The Dental Teaching Centre is highly regarded as the centre of excellence serving the dental profession and promoting oral and dental health care in the country. Endeavors are made to maintain the dental centre competent at national and international levels. Thus, the centre is fully equipped with up to date dental equipment which make possible providing dental patients with dental treatment of meticulous procedures and excellent quality. A large number of well trained supporting staff has been employed to assist the specialists and consultants in providing dental treatment of high standards in different disciplines. The centre offers primary oral and dental health care within a teaching environment and an advanced dental treatment in a specialized set up. We are dedicated to meeting the needs of:
our students in their dental education in a unique academic environment.
our students' research requirements.
our patients for excellent and cost-effective health care.
our staff for their scholarly research, ongoing development and welfare.
our local society for gaining access to dental care of international level.
our nation for a partnership in promoting health.