1- On-Campus Transportation
- Organizing and operating large (TrolleyBus) buses with a capacity of (170) passengers to reduce the number of buses transporting students and thus reduce fuel consumption and gas emissions from vehicle exhaust.
- Determining the paths of these buses on a road designated for services around the campus for traffic safety purposes.
- Open pedestrian shortcuts, to encourage students to walk instead of using on campus transportation.
2- Off-Campus Transportation
- Integrating the group trips into one trip whenever possible to reduce the operational costs of vehicles.
- Determining the period of students' practical training during JUST official working hours in coordination with the faculties.
- Organizing JUST drivers` shifts in the Department of Transport (A, B, C, D1, D2) during working hours to facilitate the implementation of trip integration programs within a week.
- Modernization of the transport fleet and the exclusion of old vehicles, as well as large engines.
- Focus on purchasing mass transportation.
- Establish and operate a vehicle tracking system (GPS) to manage this fleet of (153) vehicles by controlling speeds, distances traveled, operating and stopping hours and geographical areas.
3-Vehicles Maintenance
- Programming preventive maintenance operations (twice a year), which is reflected in the performance of vehicles, fuel consumption, and reduction the vehicle emissions as much as possible.
- Signing an agreement with the Jordanian Society for Environmental Protection to sell the waste oils produced from vehicle engines at JUST to dispose of them safely.
- Handing over the damaged batteries after being used in the university's vehicles to the Ministry of Environment for disposal following environmental safety standards.
4- Organizing Workshops Related to the Organizational Culture
- Training the technicians working in the Maintenance Division in specialized companies to enable them to run preventive and remedial maintenance programs for vehicles.
- Training JUST drivers working in the Transportation Division on how to drive buses and use vehicles` modern systems.
5- Regulating the use of Vehicles- Vehicle usage is controlled through recorded electronic transportation Orders sent by JUST staff, and, the specified fuel consumption rates approved by the government committees working in the field of determining the fuel consumption rate for government vehicles applied in JUST.
- We suggest a gradual use of electric and Hybrid modes of transport.
6- Notes
The requirements of the in -campus and off -campus transport have been provided at the university during the past three years despite the increased need for means of transport at the same cost. Due to the effective administration of the transport fleet by administrative control and financial control, which is carried out through the value of the monthly expenditure until the end of the year, provided that it is close to the annual rates we've got.