Activities / Achievements:
- Implementation of Rules , Regulations and Legislations related to safety , occupational and environmental health.
- Insure readiness of firefighting and fire alarming systems and equipment
- Follow-up implementation of " Management of chemical and dangerous materials instructions " & " Medical waste Management instructions " at JUST
- Control water quality ( drinking , and treated waste water for irrigation purposes, referring to Jordanian Technical Instructions in this regard
- Supervise employees and students commitment with safety , occupational and environmental health rules and regulations
- Prepare emergency plans , and supervise its implementation in case of emergency
- Training & educating employees in different safety , occupational and environmental health topics
- Risk assessment for different working places and teaching sites
- Inspection and auditing of working places and teaching sites
- Investigation of service accidents , and preparing quarterly and annual reports
- Follow-up employees and students obligation to go through periodic medical examination
- Activate and practical training on emergency plans
- Supervise and coordinate with housekeeping staff for rodents and insect control
- Inspect food production facilities at JUST , to insure hygienic conditions and safe procedures
Equipment :
1-Safety , Occupational and Environmental Health Department tests water quality at water Lab , using necessary equipment
- Photo lap S6 for chemical analysis
-BOD5 track
-Dr- 5000 for chemical analysis
-Weight Balance (0.0001-410g)
-Dissolved Oxygen Pocket colorimeter
-BOD-OxiDirect Set.
-Total & free Chlorine Pocket colorimeter.
-Membrane Filtration for Biological test Set.
2- Also , Safety , Occupational and Environmental Health Department evaluate risks through Risk Assessment for different working places and teaching sites , using necessary equipment and apparatus :-
-Testo flue Gas analyzer Noise level meter
- Noise level meter/ Noise dosimeter /octave band analyzer-
-Wet, Bulb and Globe Temperature thermometer-
-Portable Radiation Dose and Survey Meter (2NO-
-Explosive and multi gas detector -
-Air velocity meter-
-Flow Air sampling pump, 2NO-
-Mass Monitor – Particle counter.-
-Miran Sapph IRe Ambient gas analyzer( in door ). 120 gas-