The Intrnationla Relaions office in JUST (IRO) has academic links with universities and academic institutions worldwide. Through these academic networks, mutual student exchange can be achieved. By participating in student exchange Programme, students achieve opportunities to take part in courses and activities organized by different institutions, which further enhance their academic performance. Moreover exchange Programme exposes students to different culture and strengthens ones independence and characters.
 Following are the benefits:  Graduate from Amrita with International study experience  Opportunity to interact and learn from experienced faculty abroad.  Explore opportunities for Higher Education with funding prospects  No Tuition Fees required at be paid at Host University
The Intrnationla Relaions office in JUST (IRO) and Joint Programs Unit deals with international educational cooperation protocols and programs outside the scope of the European Union-Erasmus and YÖK Mevlana exchange programs; It provides international academic staff and student exchange by signing bilateral and multilateral international educational cooperation protocols with all countries of the world.