Card Plate spectrophotometer

​​​​​​Synergy H1​


The Synergy H1 is a hybrid multi-mode microplate reader. Depending on the model, detection modes include fluorescence intensity (FI), fluorescence polarization (FP), timeresolved fluorescence (TRF), luminescence, and UV-visible absorbance​.

The Synergy H1 can perform reads using a filter cube or a monochromator. The filterbased system can perform fluorescence and luminescence reads. Filter fluorescence uses a xenon flash light source, along with interference filters and dichroic mirrors for wavelength specificity and a photomultiplier tube (PMT) detector. To run a fluorescence polarization protocol, the filter cube must contain polarizing filters. Luminescence is measured through an empty filter position in the filter cube; filters can be used if light filtering is necessary.

The monochromator provides wavelength selection from 230–999 nm in 1- nm increments. Available read methods are endpoint, area scan, spectral scanning, and pathlength correction. For luminescence reads, the Synergy H1 has a direct-to-PMT channel (no filtering, white light only). You can also use the monochromator optics for luminescence spectral scanning.

The Synergy H1 has top and bottom incubation from 4°C over ambient to 45°C, controlled via a software-adjustable gradient. Internal plate shaking, with both linear and orbital modes, is supported to ensure that reagents are thoroughly mixed prior to reading. The Synergy H1 supports the reading of 6-, 12-, 24-, 48-, 96-, and 384-well microplates with 128 x 86 mm geometry as well as the Take3 and Take3 Trio Micro-Volume Plate.

Models that support the gas controller can control the CO2 or O2 concentrations in the reading chamber for CO2 - or O2 -sensitive assays.​