[JNW12] Yaser Khamayseh, Ruba Al-Salah and Muneer Bani Yassein, “Malicious node detection in MANET: Behavioral analysis scheme”, to appear in the journal of Networks, 2012. |
[IJSCEA11] Ala'a Al--Howaide, Ahmad Doulat and Yaser Khamayseh, “Performance Evaluation Of Different Scheduling Algorithms In Wimax”, International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJSCEA), October 2011, Volume 1, Number 5, 2011. |
[JNPA11] Wail Mardini, Mai Abu Alfool, “Modified WRR Scheduling Algorithm for WiMAX Networks”, Journal of Network Protocols and Algorithms, Vol 3, No 2 (2011), pp 24-53. ISSN 1943-3581. United States. |
[IWCMC11] B. Alawieh, W. Mardini, H. Mouftah, “A Kalman-Fuzzy Application for Rate Adaptation in IEEE 802.11 based Multihop Ad Hoc Networks”, The 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011), JULY 5 - 8, 2011. ISTANBUL, TURKEY. |
[UBICC11] Wail Mardini, Muneer Bani Yassein, Zainab AbuTaye', “A NEW BACKOFF ALGORITHM FOR IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC PROTOCOL IN MOBILE AD HOC NETWORKS”, Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal (UBICC), Vol 6, No 3 (2011), pp 907-916. ISSN 1992-8424. Republic of Korea. |
[ANT11] Wail Mardini, Yaser Khamayseh, Marwa Salayma, “Optimal Power Consumption in Cooperative WSNs for A Random Distance using a Linear Propagation Model”, The 2nd International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies, Canada, 2011. |
[IRCS11] Wail Mardini, Yaser Khamayseh, Muneer Bani Yasin, Ghadeer Obiedat, “Survey of Latest WiMAX Technologies and Techniques“, International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.), Vol. 6, n. 4, 2011. |
[IJCNI11] Yaser khamayseh, Abdulraheem Bader, Wail Mardini, and Muneer BaniYasein, “A New Protocol for Detecting Black Hole Nodes in Ad Hoc Networks”, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, Vol 3, No 1, 2011. |
[IJMCMC11] Yaser Khamayseh, Muneer Bani Yassein, Iman I. Badran, Wail Mardini, "An Adaptive Backoff Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks", International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications, 2011. |
[ICCANS11] Yaser Khamayseh, Ruba Al-Salah and Muneer Baniyasein, “A NEW SCHEME FOR DETECTING MALICIOUS NODES IN MANETs”, accepted for publication in International Conference on Computer Applications and Network Security (ICCANS), Maldives, may, 2011. |
[CTRQ11] Muneer Bani Yassein, S. Al-Rushdan, Wail Mardini, Yaser Khamayseh, “Performance of Probabilistic Broadcasting of Dynamic Source Routing Protocol“, accepted for publication in The Fourth International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service, Budapest, Hungary, April, 2011 |
[CCIS11] Yaser Khamayseh, Iman Badarn, Muneer Bani Yassein, “Mobility and Load Aware Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks”, Journal of King Saud University (Computer and Information Sciences Division), July, Volume: 23, Issue: 2, pages: 105–113, 2011. |
[IMECS11] Nahla Shatnawi, Qutaibah Althebyan, and Wail Mardini, “Detection of Insiders Misuse in Database Systems”. Proceedings of The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS) 2011, Hong Kong, 16-18 March, 2011, pp. 323-328. ISBN: 978-988-18210-3-4. |
[NSP11] Ameneh Daeinabi, Akbar Ghaffarpour Rahbar, Wail Mardini, “Protection of Unicast and Multicast Traffic in WDM Mesh Networks: A Survey”, Computer Science Research and Technology (Book chapter). Volume 2, Nova Science Publishers 2011, USA. Pp. 1-36. ISBN: 978-1-61122-073-5 |
[MSE10] Ala'a Al-Howaide, Wail Mardini, Yaser Khamayseh, Muneer Bani Yasin. "Fast String Matching Algorithm", Proceeding of 2010 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (MSE 2010), pages 251-254. October 17-18, 2010 Wuhan, China. |
[MSE10] Yaser Khamayseh, Wail Mardini, Noor Al-Tarazi. "Preemptive Vs Non Preemptive Scheduling in WMN", Proceeding of 2010 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (MSE 2010), pages 196-199. October 17-18, 2010 Wuhan, China. |
[IntelNet10] Muneer Bani Yassein, Osama Al oqaily, Geyong Min, Wail Mardini, Yaser Khamayseh, Saher Manaseer, “Enhanced Fibonacci Backoff Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network”, The 2010 International Workshop on Intelligent Sensor and Wireless Networks (IntelNet 2010). 29 June – 01 July, 2010 in Bradford, UK. |
[JDCTA09] M. Bani Yassein, A. Al-zou'bi, Y. Khamayseh, W. Mardini, “Improvement on LEACH Protocol of Wireless Sensor Network (VLEACH)”. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (JDCTA), Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2009. |
[ICSNC09] Y. Khamayseh, O. Darwish, S. Wedian, "MA-AODV: Mobility Aware Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks", Fourth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, Portugal, 2009. |
[WMuNeP09] Y. Khamayseh, G. Obeidat, A. Al-hassan, Enhanced VON-AODV Based on Delayed Rebroadcast Scheme, WMuNeP, Spain, 2009. |
[IADIS09] Yaser Khamayseh, Wail Mardini, Muneer Bani Yasin, “PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT MINIMUM SPANNING TREES SCHEMES FOR SCHEDULING IN WMNS”. IADIS International Conference APPLIED COMPUTING 2009. Rome, Italy. 19 - 21 November 2009. |