Lab Description
Teaching Lab [CIS03- PH1L(-1) ] is located in PH1 building at level (-1); the main role for this lab is teaching courses & lab sessions such as Introduction to Web Design(CIS201) , Web Application Development(CIS341) and Business Data Communication And Computer Network (CIS 441),Data Mining(CIS321),Fundamental of Database System(CIS221),Database Application(CIS421).
PC Descriptions:
HP model PRODESK 600 G4 Processor: INTEL CORE I7-8700
CPU 3.2(GHz) RAM (8GB)
PCs Numbers:
34 PC's +1for Data show
Windows 10
Main programs installed: Default programs installed with window 10 Office 2010 oracle 11g visual studio2010 Cisco Packet tracer weka
Lab Supervisor:
· Alaa Mestarehi
Contact information:
· Heba Shatnawi
Contact information: