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Wireless Networking Protocols

Course Arabicname

بروتوكولات الشبكات اللاسلكية

Course Code

NES 540

Course Credithours


Course Description

Prerequisite: NES 440. 
The goal of this course is to understand the challenges and latest solutions in wireless and mobile networks ad-hoc and wireless sensor networks. The focus will be on routing, auto-configuration, clustering, topology management, quality of service (QoS) reliable transport, energy conservation, mobility management, MAC, and service discovery. Both existing and proposed standards will be covered as well as current research projects in this field. Students are expected to read articles, make presentations, and participate in discussions.​


Course Linenumber


Course Name

Wireless Networking Protocols

Course Syllabus
Created at 5/9/2016 12:29 by SPAdmin
Last modified at 5/23/2016 8:34 by Jawad Dalou'