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English for Specific Purposes

Course Arabicname

Course Credithours


Course Description


ESP is a controversial field and though the term is widely used it remains difficult to define neatly. This course traces the origins and development of ESP and its relationship to ELT in general. It examines the various defining characteristics of ESP that have been suggested in the literature and explores a variety of approaches to ESP course design and implementation. Consideration is given to the role of the ESP teacher and to methodology in ESP. An important contemporary concern is with the management of ESP programs.  

The course will cover the following topics:

     Introduction to ESP

     What is ESP? The origins and development of ESP.

     ESP Course Design

     Language description

     Needs analysis

     Approaches to ESP course design

     ESP Application

     The ESP syllabus - types and functions

     Teaching Business English

     EAP programme design

     Materials and methods

     The role of the ESP teacher


Course Linenumber

Course Name

English for Specific Purposes

Course Syllabus for Specific Purposes_Engl. 736/
Created at 1/5/2010 14:50 by System Account
Last modified at 1/5/2010 14:50 by System Account