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Practical Training

Course Arabicname

Course Credithours


Course Description


Pre.: Approval of Department and  successful completion of at least 72 credit hours

This course aims at consolidating the students' knowledge in their field of specialization by asking them to carry out a practical training in a private or a public institution. Students will be asked to spend 144 hours of training (9 credit hours) in two consecutive months in an establishment under a continuous supervision of the course teacher. At the end of the training, each student  will  be   asked   to   submit  to  the   Department  an  authenticated certificate indicating that he/she has finished training satisfactorily and successfully. Moreover, each student will be asked to submit a report of about 10 pages to his supervisor.


Course Linenumber


Course Name

Practical Training

Course Syllabus Training_Engl 393/
Created at 1/5/2010 14:50 by System Account
Last modified at 1/5/2010 14:50 by System Account