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Writing (1)

Course Arabicname

Course Credithours


Course Description

The central aim of this course is to develop intermediate ability in writing at the paragraph level. Taking into account the weaknesses of Jordan's EFL learners in writing, the course will tackle the essential structures and  sentence types needed to produce a well-structured paragraph. Inherited writing problems (e.g. in spelling, agreement) will be given some weight. Moreover, the course is intended to develop the students' ability in making their writing cohesive and coherent.


Course Linenumber


Course Name

Writing (1)

Course Syllabus (1)_Engl 115/Syllabus of English 115 - Dr. Rula.doc
Created at 1/5/2010 14:50 by System Account
Last modified at 1/5/2010 14:50 by System Account