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Organometallic and Orgaometalloid Compounds

Course Arabicname

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Course Credithours


Course Description

The course consists of four main parts:

1. Introduction to general methods of synthesis of organometallic compounds with emphasis on thermodynamic and kinetic properties of M-C bond in these compounds. This part will cover also the relation between structure and reactivity of these compounds.

2. The chemistry of main group organometalloides which will cover group 1 to group 15 compounds which contain M-C bond.

3. The chemistry of the transition metal organometallic compounds including synthesis, reactivity and structure.

 4. Homogeneous catalysis employing transition metal compounds with special emphasis on some industrially important catalytic processes.

Course Linenumber


Course Name

Organometallic and Orgaometalloid Compounds

Course Syllabus and Orgaometalloid Compounds_CHEM423/chem423.doc
Created at 1/5/2010 14:50 by System Account
Last modified at 1/5/2010 14:50 by System Account