Department Compulsory Req. (25) Hours:
307000 | PHAR700 |
scientific writing and research ethics
| 2 | --- | Blended |
307022 | PHAR702 |
applied statistics
| 2 | --- | Blended |
307280 | PHAR728 |
advanced pharmacokinetics/ pharmacodynamics
| 3 | --- | On Campus |
307290 | PHAR729 |
pharmacogenetics in health and disease
| 3 | --- | On Campus |
307370 | PHAR737 |
clinical pharmacology
| 3 | --- | On Campus |
307691 | PHAR769 |
molecular and cellular biology
| 3 | --- | On Campus |
307701 | PHAR770 |
| 0 | --- | On Campus |
307712 | PHAR771 |
principles of experimental therapeutics
| 3 | --- | On Campus |
307721 | PHAR772 |
advanced pharmacological sciences
| 3 | | On Campus |
307691 | PHAR769 |
molecular and cellular biology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
307732 | PHAR773 |
applied techniques in translational pharmacology
| 3 | --- | Electronic Course |
Department Elective Req. (9) Hours:
307170 | PHAR717 |
biomarkers in clinical research
| 2 | --- | On Campus |
307361 | PHAR736 |
aspects of drug development
| 2 | --- | Electronic Course |
307380 | PHAR738 |
selected topics in translational sciences
| 3 | --- | Electronic Course |
307390 | PHAR739 |
principles of research design and drug literature evaluation
| 1 | --- | On Campus |
307541 | PHAR754 |
drug delivery systems
| 3 | --- | Electronic Course |
307742 | PHAR774 |
receptors and drug targets
| 2 | --- | Electronic Course |
307752 | PHAR775 |
general studies in toxicology
| 3 | --- | Electronic Course |
307760 | PHAR776 |
cellular and molecular toxicology
| 3 | --- | Electronic Course |
307771 | PHAR777 |
immunology and immunotherapeutic
| 3 | --- | Electronic Course |
307781 | PHAR778 |
behavioral pharmacology
| 2 | --- | Electronic Course |
307790 | PHAR779A |
special topics (a)
| 3 | --- | On Campus |
307791 | PHAR779C |
special topics (c)
| 1 | --- | Blended |
307792 | PHAR779B |
special topics (b)
| 2 | --- | On Campus |
307801 | PHAR780 |
cell signaling
| 3 | --- | Electronic Course |
Specialization Compulsory Req. (0) Hours:
307980 | PHAR798 |
comprehensive exam
| 0 | --- | On Campus |