101301 | MED130 |
anatomy ( for nursing )
| 4 | | Blended |
821033 | HSS103BT |
general biology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
931030 | BIO103 |
general biology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
101303 | MED130 |
anatomy (lab)
| 0 | | Blended |
101301 | MED130 |
anatomy ( for nursing )
| 4 | Concurrent | Blended |
102222 | MED222 |
| 3 | | Blended |
102290 | MED229 |
biochemistry (for nursing)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
821044 | HSS104CHEM |
organic chemistry
| 2 | Prerequisite / Study | Electronic Course |
822620 | HSS262CHEM |
| 3 | Equivalent | Electronic Course |
911040 | CHEM104 |
organic chemistry
| 2 | Prerequisite / Study | Electronic Course |
912620 | CHEM262 |
| 3 | Equivalent | Electronic Course |
102304 | MED230A |
human physiology
| 3 | | Blended |
101301 | MED130 |
anatomy ( for nursing )
| 4 | Concurrent | Blended |
101310 | MED131 |
anatomy and physiology (2)
| 4 | Equivalent | On Campus |
101311 | MED131C |
| 4 | Equivalent | On Campus |
101312 | MED131B |
| 4 | Equivalent | On Campus |
102303 | MED230A |
human physiology
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
102305 | MED230B |
human physiology (lab)
| 1 | | Blended |
101310 | MED131 |
anatomy and physiology (2)
| 4 | Equivalent | On Campus |
101311 | MED131C |
| 4 | Equivalent | On Campus |
101312 | MED131B |
| 4 | Equivalent | On Campus |
102304 | MED230A |
human physiology
| 3 | Concurrent | Blended |
102422 | MED242 |
| 3 | | Blended |
102421 | MED242A |
basic medical microbiology
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
102630 | MED263 |
| 4 | Equivalent | On Campus |
821033 | HSS103BT |
general biology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
822311 | HSS231BT |
general microbiology
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
931030 | BIO103 |
general biology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
932310 | BIO231 |
general microbiology
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
962310 | BT231 |
general microbiology
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
102430 | MED243 |
microbiology (lab)
| 1 | | On Campus |
102422 | MED242 |
| 3 | Pre./Con. | Blended |
102630 | MED263 |
| 4 | Equivalent | On Campus |
822332 | HSS233BT |
general microbiology laboratory
| 1 | Equivalent | Blended |
932320 | BIO232 |
general microbiology (lab)
| 1 | Equivalent | On Campus |
962330 | BT233 |
general microbiology laboratory
| 1 | Equivalent | Blended |
102550 | MED255 |
| 3 | | Blended |
102222 | MED222 |
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
102304 | MED230A |
human physiology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
102551 | MED255A |
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
103720 | MED372 |
| 3 | | Blended |
102304 | MED230A |
human physiology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
183100 | PH310 |
| 3 | | Electronic Course |
403160 | NUR316 |
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
821322 | HSS132MATH |
elements of biostatistics
| 3 | Equivalent | Electronic Course |
183510 | PH351 |
human nutrition
| 3 | | On Campus |
102304 | MED230A |
human physiology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
183511 | PH351A |
human nutrition
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
403510 | NUR351 |
| 3 | Equivalent | Blended |
403520 | NUR352 |
child health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Concurrent | On Campus |
401015 | NUR101 |
introduction to nursing
| 2 | --- | On Campus |
401023 | NUR102 |
fundamentals of nursing (theory)
| 3 | | On Campus |
101301 | MED130 |
anatomy ( for nursing )
| 4 | Concurrent | Blended |
102304 | MED230A |
human physiology
| 3 | Concurrent | Blended |
401015 | NUR101 |
introduction to nursing
| 2 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
402010 | NUR201 |
foundation of nursing (theory)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
401030 | NUR103 |
fundamentals of nursing (lab)
| 1 | | On Campus |
401023 | NUR102 |
fundamentals of nursing (theory)
| 3 | Concurrent | On Campus |
402030 | NUR203 |
foundation of nursing (lab)
| 1 | Equivalent | On Campus |
402060 | NUR206 |
health assessment (theory)
| 3 | | On Campus |
101301 | MED130 |
anatomy ( for nursing )
| 4 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
102304 | MED230A |
human physiology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
401023 | NUR102 |
fundamentals of nursing (theory)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
402080 | NUR208 |
health assessment (lab)
| 1 | | On Campus |
401030 | NUR103 |
fundamentals of nursing (lab)
| 1 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
402060 | NUR206 |
health assessment (theory)
| 3 | Concurrent | On Campus |
402210 | NUR221 |
adult health nursing i (theory)
| 3 | | On Campus |
402060 | NUR206 |
health assessment (theory)
| 3 | Concurrent | On Campus |
402230 | NUR223 |
adult health nursing i (clinical)
| 3 | | On Campus |
402080 | NUR208 |
health assessment (lab)
| 1 | Concurrent | On Campus |
402162 | NUR216B |
adult health nursing clinical (1)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
402210 | NUR221 |
adult health nursing i (theory)
| 3 | Concurrent | On Campus |
402270 | NUR227 |
adult health nursing 2 (theory)
| 4 | | On Campus |
102222 | MED222 |
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
103720 | MED372 |
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
402210 | NUR221 |
adult health nursing i (theory)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
402280 | NUR228 |
adult health nursing ii (clinical)
| 3 | | On Campus |
402230 | NUR223 |
adult health nursing i (clinical)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
402270 | NUR227 |
adult health nursing 2 (theory)
| 4 | Concurrent | On Campus |
403170 | NUR317 |
adult health nursing ii (clinical)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
402520 | NUR252 |
growth and development
| 3 | | Blended |
102304 | MED230A |
human physiology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
403460 | NUR346 |
growth and development
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
403010 | NUR301 |
nursing ethics and issues
| 2 | | On Campus |
402270 | NUR227 |
adult health nursing 2 (theory)
| 4 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
404852 | NUR485B |
nursing issues and professionalism
| 2 | Equivalent | On Campus |
403020 | NUR302 |
nursing research
| 3 | | On Campus |
183100 | PH310 |
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Electronic Course |
403902 | NUR390B |
introduction to nursing research
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
404021 | NUR402 |
nursing research
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
821322 | HSS132MATH |
elements of biostatistics
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Electronic Course |
403080 | NUR308 |
health informatics
| 2 | | On Campus |
1731160 | CS116 |
selected programming languages (for non computer science information students)
| 3 | Equivalent | Electronic Course |
1741000 | CIs100 |
computer skills
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Electronic Course |
403100 | NUR310 |
communication and health education
| 2 | | On Campus |
403110 | NUR311 |
communication skills
| 2 | Equivalent | On Campus |
403610 | NUR361 |
counselling and health education
| 2 | Equivalent | On Campus |
822210 | HSS221 |
introduction to psychology (in english)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Electronic Course |
403421 | NUR342 |
maternal health nursing (theory)
| 3 | | On Campus |
102550 | MED255 |
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
402270 | NUR227 |
adult health nursing 2 (theory)
| 4 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
402520 | NUR252 |
growth and development
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | Blended |
403404 | NUR340D |
maternal health nursing theory
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
403442 | NUR344 |
maternal health nursing (clinical)
| 3 | | On Campus |
102422 | MED242 |
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
402280 | NUR228 |
adult health nursing ii (clinical)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
403421 | NUR342 |
maternal health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Concurrent | On Campus |
403440 | NUR344A |
maternal health nursing (clinical) (for females only)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
403441 | NUR344B |
maternal health nursing (clinical)(for males only)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
403520 | NUR352 |
child health nursing (theory)
| 3 | | On Campus |
102550 | MED255 |
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
402270 | NUR227 |
adult health nursing 2 (theory)
| 4 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
402520 | NUR252 |
growth and development
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | Blended |
403543 | NUR354C |
child health nursing theory
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
403561 | NUR356 |
child health nursing (clinical)
| 3 | | On Campus |
402280 | NUR228 |
adult health nursing ii (clinical)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
403520 | NUR352 |
child health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Concurrent | On Campus |
403553 | NUR355C |
child health nursing clinical
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
404030 | NUR403 |
principles of nursing administration
| 3 | | Blended |
402270 | NUR227 |
adult health nursing 2 (theory)
| 4 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
404622 | NUR462B |
principles of nursing administration
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
1114580 | P.T458 |
managements in allied medical sciences
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
404310 | NUR431 |
mental health nursing (theory)
| 3 | | On Campus |
403421 | NUR342 |
maternal health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
403520 | NUR352 |
child health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
404700 | NUR470 |
mental health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
404330 | NUR433 |
mental health nursing (clinical)
| 3 | | On Campus |
403442 | NUR344 |
maternal health nursing (clinical)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
403561 | NUR356 |
child health nursing (clinical)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
404310 | NUR431 |
mental health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Concurrent | On Campus |
404710 | NUR471 |
mental health nursing (clinical)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
404640 | NUR464 |
community health nursing (theory)
| 3 | | On Campus |
403640 | NUR364 |
community health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
404310 | NUR431 |
mental health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
404602 | NUR460A |
community health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
404660 | NUR466 |
community health nursing (clinical)
| 3 | | On Campus |
403660 | NUR366 |
community health nursing(clinical)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
404330 | NUR433 |
mental health nursing (clinical)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
404613 | NUR461C |
community health nursing clinical
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
404640 | NUR464 |
community health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Concurrent | On Campus |
404940 | NUR494 |
clinical training
| 3 | | On Campus |
404030 | NUR403 |
principles of nursing administration
| 3 | Concurrent | Blended |
404310 | NUR431 |
mental health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
404330 | NUR433 |
mental health nursing (clinical)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Pass | On Campus |
404640 | NUR464 |
community health nursing (theory)
| 3 | Concurrent | On Campus |
821033 | HSS103BT |
general biology
| 3 | | On Campus |
931010 | BIO101 |
general biology (1)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
931030 | BIO103 |
general biology
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
961030 | BT103 |
general biology
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
821036 | HSS103CHEM |
general chemistry
| 3 | | On Campus |
821015 | HSS101CHEM |
general chemistry (i)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
821025 | HSS102CHEM |
general chemistry (2)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
911010 | CHEM101 |
general chemistry (i)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
911020 | CHEM102 |
general chemistry (2)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
911031 | CHEM103 |
general chemistry
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
821044 | HSS104CHEM |
organic chemistry
| 2 | | Electronic Course |
821036 | HSS103CHEM |
general chemistry
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
911031 | CHEM103 |
general chemistry
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
911040 | CHEM104 |
organic chemistry
| 2 | Equivalent | Electronic Course |
822210 | HSS221 |
introduction to psychology (in english)
| 3 | --- | Electronic Course |