The Adult Health Nursing Department is among the Three Departments contributing to undergraduate and graduate programs at the JUST /Faculty of Nursing in congruence with the University overall Vsion, Mission, and Philosophy.
The Department provides courses that focus on health and health deviations related to acute and chronic conditions of the adult population in Jordan within the areas of Basic and Advanced Adult Health and Critical Care Nursing.
The Department currently comprises 26 Faculty Members, in addition to supportive staff who are clinical trainers. There are 14 doctoral prepared nurses;3 Full Professor, 7 Associate Professors, 4 Assistant Professors, and 12 Master's prepared full-time lecturers. In addition, there are 4 clinical trainers who hold BSN degrees. Moreover, the Department is currently sponsoring 2 scholars to pursue PhD in the Department related fields.
The Department's Faculty have various educational backgrounds and research interests including cardiopulmonary, oncology, gerontology, family involvement in care, health behavior, patient and nurse education, and quality and outcomes in health care, among other areas.
The Master of Science Degree program in Adult Acute Care Nursing is offered within two separate tracks: Oncology and Cardiopulmonary Nursing. The main aim of this program is to prepare nurses to assume the roles and responsibilities of the Clinical Nurse Specialist.
The program focuses on the preparation of nurses with advanced competencies and emphasizes excellence in practice, critical thinking, inquiry, leadership, self-awareness and empowerment.
For additional information on our Faculty Members, and Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, you may browse the website or contact us.