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Sxth year medical students Obstetrics and Gynaecology Course

Course Arabicname

Course Credithours


Course Description

This is an eight weeks rotation; during these 8 weeks rotation, students are introduced to different settings through rotation in 5 different hospitals.


Students rotate in six different hospitals during the course:

1.      Al-Ramtha Hospital

2.      Princess Badeea Teaching Hospital

3.      King Abdulla university hospital (KAUH)

4.      Al-Mafraq Hospital

5.      Princess haya military hospital

6.      Prince Rashid Ben Al-Hasan Military Hospital



The course includes seminars that covers topics that have not been covered in fifth year. Also they have bed side teaching sessions with instructors that focus more on the management part of different cases in obstetrics and gynecology. Also students spend more time with patients in their sixth year as they have specific rotations in delivery suite, ward management rounds and outpatient gynecology and obstetrics clinics. Also we involve the students to participate in the on calls. 


Students are also encouraged to act at the level of interns in preparation for graduation requirement



Course Linenumber

Course Name

Sxth year medical students Obstetrics and Gynaecology Course

Course Syllabus
Created at 1/5/2010 14:49 by System Account
Last modified at 12/15/2021 9:43 by AHMAD KEWAN