The Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship utilizes a variety of well-supervised clinical settings, organized interactive learning experiences, and directed learning assignments to expose all medical students to the breadth of this unique specialty. Students will establish a solid foundation of skills and knowledge in women's health, which will be both applicable and important in any potential future career choice.
Course objectives are concise and are distributed to students at the beginning of the rotation. Faculty members and registrars who participate in teaching are familiar with these objectives.The breadth and depth of obstetrics and gynecology rotation appears to be well defined by the syllabus. The syllabus describes a broad array of condition that a physician would normally encounter. The syllabus also describes clinical skills students are required to master and to demonstrate their proficiency to the instructors.
Students are taught by physicians who are faculty members of the school. They report to their respective course directors and participate in regular faculty committee meetings at the medical school. Student questionnaires are used by the course directors as a tool to monitor student educational experience across multiple hospital sites.
Student evaluation of OBS & GYN rotation reveals high degree of satisfaction. Students attribute this to an attentive faculty and the availability of a large variety and number of patients to hone their clinical skills. The course director has maintained a consistently high-quality OBS & GYN clerkship program at all six affiliated hospitals. Student questionnaires are used by the course director to monitor course consistency. The questionnaire sought information concerning the quality of instruction, supervision by the faculty, small group conferences, breadth of clinical exposure, and student performance evaluation. And finally, the department maintains a program to identify academically weak students early enough during the clerkship to begin tutoring efforts