Welcome To Our Department
Nuclear Engineering Department was founded in early 2007, as a new addition to the Faculty of Engineering. The department offers a B.Sc. in Nuclear Engineering. The establishment of the Nuclear Engineering Department at JUST is another step in Jordan's efforts to develop its nuclear infrastructure, and to intro​duce nuclear power as part of its energy make-up.​​
Meet Our Students
29 Sep
يرغب قسم الهندسة النووية في جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية بتكليف مهندس نووي بمكافأة شهرية على الفصل الدراسي الأول 2024-2025 لغايات الإشراف على مختبرات وأمور أخرى في القسم على أن تتوفر فيه الشروط التالية: · أن يكون أردني الجنسية · حاصل على درجة البكالوريوس في الهندسة النووية · أن لا يقل التقدير عن جيد · أن يجيد اللغة الانجليزية ويتقن استخدام الحاسوب على أن يتم تقديم الطلب في الفترة من صباح يوم الإثنين الموافق 30/9/2024 إلى مساء يوم الجمعة الموافق 4/10/2024 على البريد الإلكتروني للدكتور ربيع أبو سليم رئيس القسم raabusaleem@just.edu.jo أو على ايميل القسم nuclear@just.edu.jo ولن يتم النظر في الطلبات بعد انتهاء المدة المحددة أو أي طلبات لا تستوفي الشروط المطلوبة. قسم الهندسة النووية
30 Apr
The Nuclear Engineering Department announces a course on the basics of Excel, presented by Engineer Aroub Al-Kasasbeh. The course will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the Computer Lab of the Nuclear Engineering Department.
30 Dec
The Nuclear Engineering Department at the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), in collaboration with the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), organized a lecture on nuclear power reactors and their positive impact in addressing the challenges facing the energy and water sectors in Jordan. The lecture was delivered by Dr. Khaled Al-Khasawneh, Commissioner of Nuclear Power Reactors at JAEC and an alumnus of the Nuclear Engineering Department at JUST. The lecture included an overview of Jordan's nuclear program, represented by the Jordan Research and Training Reactor and the Uranium Exploration and Mining Project. It also discussed the Commission's aspirations to utilize small modular reactors (SMRs) and integrate nuclear energy into the national energy mix. Dr. Al-Khasawneh emphasized that nuclear energy is one of the best low-carbon energy sources globally and can be used in various fields. He noted that technical assessments and economic feasibility studies are currently underway for several SMR designs, alongside detailed feasibility studies for using nuclear energy in water desalination and pumping projects in Jordan. Dr. Al-Khasawneh also highlighted ongoing studies by JAEC to integrate SMRs with the National Water Carrier Project. He pointed out the advantages of this type of reactor, particularly its low cooling water requirements compared to traditional large nuclear power reactors, providing broader options for reactor site selection away from water sources. At the end of the lecture, attended by several faculty members and students from the department, a comprehensive discussion took place, during which audience questions and inquiries were addressed.