Professor Yousef S. H. Najjar
International Awards:
1. DSc (Doctor of Science): “a higherdoctorate” in academic research awarded in
recognition of a substantial and sustained contribution to world scientific
knowledge , beyond that required for PhD- 2016.
2. Life-Fellow to ASME for Outstanding Achievements and Continuing Efforts
toward Excellence during the last 35 years – 2013.
3.Khwarizmi International Award: Due to Excellence in Scientific Research -2013:
KIA Lureate .
4.Published 166 international refereed journal papers
with H Index =17
(Thomson Reuters, Scopus)
D.Mohammad Al-Nimr
Distinguished Professor
YOU have received the following awards during the last three years:
1. Elected TWAS Fellow 2017. From Jordan there are 4 other Fellows: Dr. Ali Nayfeh, Dr. Adnan Badran, Dr. Abed Alsalam Almajali and Dr. Moh’d Hamdan (the ex-minister of higher education. This is different than TWAS award which I received before 4 years.
2. One of my students (Waheeb Ammari) win third position in the graduation project competition organized by Jordanian Engineering Association.
3.h index 29