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Materials of Construction Laboratory

Lab Description


The Materials Laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department is constructed over an enclosed area of 1000 square meter. It is fully equipped and supported by highly qualified technical staff to respond to the needs of academic institutions, researchers, engineers and construction industries for testing of:
        (a) Concrete
        (b) Cement
        (c) Aggregates 
        (d) Natural Building Stone
        (e) Tiles and Bricks


Latest state of the art equipments that are mostly fitted with computerized data collection are used to perform various types of materials testing to the highest standard. Some of these machines are:

  1. Abrasion machines
2. BS & ACI Sieves
3. Flakiness & Elongation Gauges
4. Blain & Vicat apparatus
5. Concrete gradient analyzer
6. Concrete mixer
7. Compacting & Kelly Ball apparatus
8. Slump and V-B time apparatus
9. Concrete Permeability System
10. Flexural (beams) frame
11. Fully automated compression machine
12. ISAT
13. Bond Tester
14. Micro-cover meter
15. Universal Testing Machine
16. Corrosion mapping System
17. Concrete test hammer
18. Ultrasonic concrete test

All tests are run by highly qualified engineers and technicians who are constantly supervised by experienced faculties in order to assure the compliance of these tests with international standards (BS, ASTM, or EN). Accurateness of computer generated tests results are often verified and thus considered reliable by decision-makers. Quality assurance of material testing services is maintained through periodic evaluation programs in term of checking the calibration of the equipment and upgrading them to meet the market demands.
Work:   +962 2 7201000 Ext.22098
Mobile: +962 796211677
Assem Malkawi

Testing Services
The followings are the major tests that can be performed at Materials Laboratory:

Aggregate, Cement & Gypsum Testing
1. Specific gravity and Absorption of Coarse and Fine Aggregates
2. Resistance to Degradation of Small and Large –Size Coarse Aggregates in the Los Angeles Machine
3. Particles size distribution
4. Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregates
5. Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates
6. Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate
7. Materials Finer than No.200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing
8. Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregates
9.  Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement
10. Autoclave Expansion of Portland Cement
11.  Flexural Strength of Mortar Cement
12. Density of Hydraulic Cement
13. Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic Cement
14. Sand Equivalent Value of Soil and Fine Aggregates
15. Consistency of Fresh Mortar by Flow Table
16. Consistency of Fresh Mortar by Plunger Apparatus
17. Water Retention of Fresh Mortar
18. Air Content of Fresh Mortar by Alcohol Method
19. Adhesive Strength of Hardened Rendering and Plastering Mortar on Substrates
20. Chemical Analysis of Cement  
21. Consistency and Setting Time of cement & gypsum

Fresh Concrete Testing
1. Determination of Compacting Factor of Fresh Concrete
2. Determination of Vebe Time
3. Slump Hydraulic Cement Concrete
4. Air content of Freshly concrete by Pressure Method
5. Workability
6. Air content of Freshly concrete by Volumetric Method   

Hardened Concrete Testing
1. Permeability
2. Flexural strength of  Concrete
3. Compressive strength of Cylindrical and Cube Concrete
4. Surface absorption
5. Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete

Non-Destructive Testing of Hardened Concrete
1. Cracks detection and movement
2. Cover & corroded steel bar detection
3. Physical & dynamic properties
4. Hammer testing for compressive strength
5. Ultrasonic testing for compressive strength
6. In situ moisture content measurement


Civil Engineering Laboratories
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering – Jordan University of Science and Technology
P.O. Box 22110, Irbid, Jordan
Tel: +962 (2) 7201000 22138 - Fax: +962 (2) 7201074

Lab Location

G4 L0
Created at 1/5/2010 14:52 by System Account
Last modified at 2/28/2012 15:07 by Assem Al-Latyfeh