A rich history of achievements for a young Jordanian scientist culminated in receiving the Illinois Innovation Award
06 Jun 2021
A rich history of achievements for a young Jordanian scientist crowned with the Illinois Innovation Award​.

She received 10 local and international awards, published more than 20 research papers in international refereed journals and conferences, and was a speaker at the World Science Forum 2017.

Maha Muhammad Shehadeh Al-Afif, a PhD researcher and a distinguished Jordanian graduate student, who is currently completing her research at the University of Illinois in the United States. and other international obtained.​
The test is described as inexpensive and highly accurate, based on DNA and nanotechnology, and results in less than 5 minutes. The new method does not require RNA isolation or DNA amplification ( DNA). A press release on the results of her research into developing the test was posted on the university's website in April of last year.

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