Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
According to the department vision, the feedback from Alumni, employers, and informal feedback from senior students of the BME department, in addition to the BME Industrial Advisory Board (IBM). the BME students are proposed to be :
PEO 1. Visionary engineers and problem solvers, utilizing a breadth of scientific knowledge to address contemporary issues at the interface of engineering, medicine, and biology within a global, societal, and economic context.
PEO 2. Leaders in biotechnology and medical industries both in the public and private sectors capable of serving national and regional industries, hospitals, and government agencies.
PEO 3. Ethically and socially conscious professional engineers functioning well in multi-disciplinary teams, effective in communicating ideas and technical information.
PEO 4. Independent learners who can master new knowledge and technologies, as well as, successfully engage in post-graduate studies and scientific research in engineering medicine and biomedical sciences.