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Name and Student ID#:

Transfer student
1. Reasons for choosing Biomedical Engineering Program:
2. Career plans
3. Since my admission to JUST, I am satisfied with the curriculum and course advisement i have received
4. Since my admission to JUST, i am satisfied with the career and professional advisement i have received
5. I prefer studying alone
6. I am confident in my physics skills
7. I am confident in my math skills.
8. I understand how to collect laboratory data
9. I am confident in my biology knowledge
10. I am confident in my physiology knowledge
11. I enjoy problems that can be solved in different ways
12. Creative thinking is one of my strengths
13. I am good at designing things
14. I have strong problem solving skills, especially that concern the interface between living and nonliving interface.
15. I understand the professionalism that goes with being an engineer
16. I can write effectively
17. I have computer-programming skills
18. I can make effective presentations in front of others
19. I enjoy taking courses other than engineering
20. I can effectively communicate my ideas to another person
21. I am confident in my ability to use computers to solve engineering problems
22. I enjoy using computers
23. I am confident in my speaking skills
24. Engineers have contributed to solving problems in the world
25. I enjoy learning about new technology
26. Studying in a group is more effective than studying by myself
27. I care about punctuality and class attendance
28. I have a good understanding of the principles of ethics for engineering
29. I was informed in my classes about the impact of engineering solutions on Jordan (e.g., air pollution, traffic jams, economic development, etc.)

30. The humanities and social sciences courses that I took did influence my thinking about the role of engineering in society
31. I like to read technical and non-technical engineering periodicals
32. I like to read non-Biomedical engineering periodicals
33. I attend our department seminars regularly
34. The courses I took helped me organize ideas, information, and experiences to be able to solve new and more complex problems
35. I have received adequate laboratory experience
36. My first-year college Math and Physics courses helped me improve my Math and Physics skills needed for Biomedical Engineering.
37. I have been required to use Word Processing (Word or WordPerfect for example) in my coursework
38. I have been required to use Presentation Preparation (PowerPoint for example) in my coursework
39. I have been required to use Information Access (web browsing for example) in my coursework
40. I have been required to use Communication (e-mail for example) in my coursework
41. I have been required to use Spreadsheets (Excel for example) in my coursework
42. I have been required to use CAD (AutoCAD or Solidworks for example) in my coursework
43. I have been required to use Simulation and Modeling (Simulink, PSpice, or Logic Works for example) in my coursework
44. I have been required to use Symbolic Mathematics (Maple or MATLAB for example) in my coursework
45. I have been required to use  Programming (C++, MATLAB, Visual Basic, or Java for example) in my coursework
46. I have been required to use  Data Acquisition (Labview for example) in my coursework
47. I have been required to use  Computational tools (MATLAB or Mathcad, for example) in my coursework
48. I have been required to use  Data Base (Access, for example) in my coursework
49. Working with JUST faculty on research
50. Working outside JUST on research
51. Internships and Training
52. Workshops and/or conferences
53. Reading technical magazines and/or journals
54. Attending professional society meetings
55. Using the internet as a learning resource
56. Interacting with technology practitioners
57. Seeking out new cultural experiences
58. Community service
Please feel free to provide any further comments on your program curriculum and your educational experience at JUST, and to make suggestions on ways that your department and curriculum could be improved.

What can we do better to improve our services to students?

What can we do better to improve the curriculum?

What do you think are the strong and weak points of our program?