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Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems Lab

Course Arabicname

مختبر المتحكمات الدقيقه وانظمة التحكم

Course Credithours


Course Description

​Experiments in microcontrollers and embedded system design using Arduino development boards. Design and implementation of several interfacing tasks; interfacing with simple I/O devices like switches, LED, analog sensors. Communicating with sensor modules with various communication protocols. Biopotential Signal acquisition and real-time signal processing. Virtual system design, cloud programming, simulation and debugging.​

Course Linenumber


Course Name

Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems Lab

Course Syllabus
Created at 7/14/2020 12:56 by Roba Alomarie
Last modified at 7/14/2020 12:57 by Roba Alomarie