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Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ultrasound

Course Arabicname

التشخيص والعلاج باستخدام الأمواج فوق الصوتية

Course Credithours


Course Description

​covers the fundamentals of acoustic propagation, the plane wave and the specific acoustic impedance, how the ultrasound wave propagates between two different mediums in both normal and oblique cases, the reflection and transmission coefficients, the Doppler Effect, the circular piston and its nearfield and farfield approximations, the piezoelectric effect, the electrical tuning matching circuit for a certain ultrasound transducer, the axial and lateral resolutions, the different types of ultrasound arrays, the pulse-echo methods, the biological effects of ultrasound, the wave distortion, and the design of a complete ultrasound transducer for either medical imaging ultrasound or therapeutic ultrasound. ​

Course Linenumber


Course Name

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ultrasound

Course Syllabus
Created at 7/14/2020 12:52 by Roba Alomarie
Last modified at 9/28/2021 8:58 by Roba Alomarie