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Biomedical Sensors

Course Arabicname

المجسات الطبيه الحيويه

Course Credithours


Course Description

​Introduction to biomedical sensors: definition, classification, calibration, requirements, errors and uncertainty, static and dynamic parameters, requirements and design aspects of signal conditioning circuits, temperature sensors: types, and signal processing circuits, Pressure sensors: types, operating principle, calibration techniques, medical applications and conditioning procedures, Electrochemical sensors, Ion-selective sensors, Biosensors, Ion-sensitive field effect chemo-sensors, optical sensors, Ultrasound transducers, Intelligent biomedical sensors, manufacturing of biomedical sensors.​

Course Linenumber


Course Name

Biomedical Sensors

Course Syllabus
Created at 7/14/2020 12:25 by Roba Alomarie
Last modified at 7/14/2020 12:25 by Roba Alomarie