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Surgical Anatomy of The Head and Neck

Course Arabicname

Course Credithours


Course Description

Dent 708 is designed to revisit applied head and neck anatomy from the perspective of a surgeon.  It concentrates on the surgical anatomy of the various head and neck sites with an increased emphasis on the maxillofacial area.  The course is based on lectures.  A regional approach to the study of anatomy is followed.  Embryological development of the structures of the head and face is incorporated into the lectures to better understand the anatomical relationships between structures. Some neuroanatomy are also incorporated.  The course material also includes a lot of clinical correlates. Only when time is available, a visit to the mortuary is arranged for practical revision of the different structures covered in the lectures.


Course Linenumber

Course Name

Surgical Anatomy of The Head and Neck

Course Syllabus Anatomy of The Head and Neck_Dent 708/Dent 708.doc

Course Syllabus

Created at 1/5/2010 14:50 by System Account
Last modified at 1/5/2010 14:50 by System Account