What are the knowledge and values that graduates are expected to gain?
1. Achieve leadership in urban planning studies at the local, regional and international levels.
2. Knowledge of urban planning and design sciences.
3. Knowledge of technological developments related to urban planning and updated and current planning theories.
What will students learn and understand after completing the program?
1. A modern applied scientific approach to urban planning that addresses the needs of society and various work requirements.
2. Understand the legislation and procedures related to the needs of urban areas in terms of land use and built infrastructure.
3. The history and contemporary theories urban planning and their use in understanding and solving diverse urban problems.
What will students be able to do after completing the program?
1. Effective contribution to municipal and regional agencies and institutions, urban planning offices, and urban planning and departments in the local governorates.
2. Carrying out urban design work for new sites and urban redevelopment for informal settlements based on established local planning regulations and legislation.
3. Assisting in urban planning decision-making processes in governmental institutions and participating in their implementation.
What skills will they develop and what skills will distinguish the graduates of the department?
1. Learning from international and local experiences about planning policies and methods.
2. Expanding students' horizons and developing creativity and innovation to solve society's problems.
3. Support students' self-learning skills, data collection, and the analysis and production of urban design and planning projects.
4. Supporting students' diverse skills, especially the use of computer applications, techniques, skills, tools, technology and information systems in all disciplines of urban planning and design.
How will they be able to demonstrate these skills?
1. The ability to complete postgraduate studies and research in the areas of planning and related fields.
2. Leading projects that prepare regional and general plans and urban design projects.
3. Graduates of the City Design and Planning Department will have a major role in upgrading the Jordanian urban environment, and will contribute to reducing poor planning conditions.
4. Participation in the various levels of local, regional and national urban planning efforts in the country and region.
How well are the department's programs preparing students for careers, graduate study, professional study, and/or lifelong learning?
1. Study plans are appropriate and they discuss various issues of urban planning and urban studies. The study plan is constantly being developed and addressed to keep pace with the developments and needs of the times.
The planning and urban studies curricula for bachelor's and master's degrees are recognized locally and internationally.