B.Sc of Respiratory therapy - (2024)
University Compulsory Req. (16) Hours:
Line No.CodeCourseHoursPrerequisiteTeaching Method 
801022ARB102 communication skills in arabic 3---Blended
821102HSS110 leader and social responsibility 3---Electronic Course
821192HSS119 entrepreneurship and innovation 2Electronic Course
821190HSS119 entrepreneurship and innovation 2EquivalentElectronic Course
841000MS100 military sciences 3---Blended
2511010LG101 communication skills in english 3Blended
810990ENG099 english language (remedial course) 3Prerequisite / PassOn Campus
2510990LG099 english language (remedial course) 3Prerequisite / PassBlended
2511120LG112 english language (2) 3EquivalentBlended
2511030LG103 life skills 2Electronic Course
821290HSS129 general skills 2EquivalentElectronic Course

University Elective Req. (9) Hours:
Line No.CodeCourseHoursPrerequisiteTeaching Method 
181040PH104 community health and nutrition 3---Electronic Course
221910CHE191 introduction to the nanotechnology 3---On Campus
251020ME102 introduction to renewable energy (for non mechanical engineering students) 3---Electronic Course
622020PP202 natural plants of jordan (for non agriculture students) 3---Electronic Course
802000ARB200 appreciation of literary texts 3---Blended
821001HSS100NUR health promotion (for non medicine ,nursing and midwifery students) 3Electronic Course
401000NUR100 health promotion (for non medicine ,nursing and midwifery students) 3EquivalentBlended
821002HSS100O.T disability and the society(not allowed for rehabilition science dep.students) 3Electronic Course
1121000O.T100 disability and the society(not allowed for rehabilition science dep.students) 3EquivalentBlended
821003HSS100P.T wellness and life styles (not for physical & occupational therapy) 3Blended
1111000P.T100 wellness and life styles (not for physical & occupational therapy) 3EquivalentBlended
821004HSS100ADS oral & dental health 3Electronic Course
521000ADS100 oral & dental health 3EquivalentElectronic Course
821032HSS103 the palestinian issue 3---Electronic Course
821045HSS104 ourism and museums in jordan 3---On Campus
821051HSS105NUR quality control infection control and patient safety 3Electronic Course
401051NUR105 quality control infection control and patient safety 3EquivalentBlended
821052HSS105 road safety 3---Electronic Course
821090HSS109NUR family health 3Electronic Course
401090NUR109 family health 3EquivalentBlended
821150HSS115 islam and recent problems 3---On Campus
821160HSS116 economic system in islam 3---Electronic Course
821170HSS117 media and information literacy 3---Electronic Course
821211HSS121 principles of sociology 3---Blended
821260HSS126 principles of psychology 3---Blended
821270HSS127 educational technology 3---On Campus
821300HSS130 digital skills 3Electronic Course
1740990CIs099 computer skills (remedial course) 3Prerequisite / PassElectronic Course
821311HSS131 islamic civilization 3---Electronic Course
821321HSS132 the history of the city of jerusalem 3---Blended
821330HSS133 civilization and recent cultures 3---On Campus
821350HSS135 islamic culture 3---Electronic Course
821360HSS136 the law in our life 3---Electronic Course
821370HSS137 human rights 3---Electronic Course
821531HSS153 islam and contemporary challenges 3---Electronic Course
821611HSS161 contemporary problems 3---Blended
821770HSS177NF food preservation "in english" (for non nutrition and food technology students) 3Electronic Course
631770NF177NF food preservation "in english" (for non nutrition and food technology students) 3EquivalentElectronic Course
822000HSS200AP farm animal products (for non animal production and nutrition and food technology students) 3Electronic Course
612000AP200 farm animal products and production (for non agriculture and veterinary students) 3EquivalentElectronic Course
612001AP200 farm animal products (for non animal production and nutrition and food technology students) 3EquivalentElectronic Course
822001HSS200PP home gardens (for non plant production and soil and irrigation students) 3Electronic Course
622000PP200 home gardens (for non agriculture students) 3EquivalentElectronic Course
622001PP200 home gardens (for non plant production and soil and irrigation students) 3EquivalentElectronic Course
822002HSS200NR natural resources and human(for non plant production and soil and irrigation students) 3Electronic Course
642000NR200 natural resources and man (for non agriculture students) 3EquivalentOn Campus
642001NR200 natural resources and man (for non plant production and soil and irrigation students) 3EquivalentOn Campus
672001NR200 natural resources and human(for non plant production and soil and irrigation students) 3EquivalentElectronic Course
822011HSS201PP beekeeping (for non plant production students) 3Electronic Course
622010PP201 bee keeping (for non agriculture students) 3EquivalentElectronic Course
622011PP201 beekeeping (for non plant production students) 3EquivalentElectronic Course
822070HSS207NR plant earth problems & solutions (for non agriculture students) 3Electronic Course
642070NR207 planet earth problems & solutions (for non agriculture students) 3EquivalentOn Campus
642071NR207 earth problems and solutions (for non plant productions and soil irrigation students) 3EquivalentOn Campus
672070NR207 plant earth problems & solutions (for non agriculture students) 3EquivalentElectronic Course
822110HSS211 sociology (in english) 3---Blended
822111HSS211VM animal health (not for veterinary medical and agriculture students) 3Electronic Course
662110VM211 animal health (not for veterinary medical and agriculture students) 3EquivalentElectronic Course
822121HSS212VM pet animal care 3Electronic Course
662120VM212 pet animal care 3EquivalentElectronic Course
822130HSS213 individual and society 3---Blended
822133HSS213VM animal behaviour and welfare 3Electronic Course
662130VM213 animal behaviour and welfare 3EquivalentElectronic Course
822141HSS214VM animal products and public health(for non veterinary students) 3Electronic Course
662140VM214 animal products and public health(for non veterinary students) 3EquivalentElectronic Course
822160HSS216 international global issues 3---On Campus
822310HSS231 history of sciences in islam 3---Electronic Course
822511HSS251 music tasting 3---On Campus
971031ES103 sustainable development and environment 3---On Campus
2002000NE200 principles in nuclear energy and its peaceful applications 3---Blended
2511050LG105 basic french language 3---Blended
2511060LG106 basic german language 3---On Campus
2511070LG107 xxxxxx 3---On Campus
2511080LG108 xxxxxx 3---Blended

Faculty Compulsory Req. (18) Hours:
Line No.CodeCourseHoursPrerequisiteTeaching Method 
102304MED230A human physiology 3Blended
821033HSS103BT general biology 3Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
961030BT103 general biology 3Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
102305MED230B human physiology (lab) 1Blended
102304MED230A human physiology 3Pre./Con.Blended
821033HSS103BT general biology 3On Campus
931030BIO103 general biology 3EquivalentOn Campus
961010BT101 general biology (1) 3EquivalentOn Campus
961030BT103 general biology 3EquivalentOn Campus
821071HSS107BT general biology laboratory 1Blended
821033HSS103BT general biology 3Pre./Con.On Campus
931070BIO107 general biology lab 1EquivalentOn Campus
961030BT103 general biology 3Pre./Con.On Campus
961070BT107 general biology laboratory 1EquivalentBlended
822311HSS231BT general microbiology 3On Campus
821033HSS103BT general biology 3Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
822332HSS233BT general microbiology laboratory 1Blended
822311HSS231BT general microbiology 3Pre./Con.On Campus
823110HSS311PH biostatistics 2Electronic Course
183111PH311 biostatistics 2EquivalentElectronic Course
823910HSS391PARA ethics in applied medical careers 1Electronic Course
133910PARA391 ethics in applied medical careers 1EquivalentElectronic Course
1112182P.T218 gross anatomy & histology 2Blended
821033HSS103BT general biology 3Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
821071HSS107BT general biology laboratory 1Prerequisite / StudyBlended
1112200P.T220 gross anatomy and histology (lab) 1On Campus
1112182P.T218 gross anatomy & histology 2Pre./Con.Blended

Department Compulsory Req. (90) Hours:
Line No.CodeCourseHoursPrerequisiteTeaching Method 
824990HSS499LM graduation project 3Blended
174991LM499 graduation project 3EquivalentBlended
1163030RTH303 research in respiratory therapy 3Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1164680RTH468 practical training 8ConcurrentOn Campus
1161121RTH112 introduction to respiratory therapy 2---Blended
1162010RTH201 patient safety and infection control 2---Blended
1162111RTH211 physiology and anatomy of the heart and respiratory system 2Blended
102304MED230A human physiology 3Prerequisite / StudyBlended
1112182P.T218 gross anatomy & histology 2Prerequisite / StudyBlended
1162121RTH212 medical gases 2Blended
1162171RTH217 basics and physics of respiratory therapy 2Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1162142RTH214 medical gases - lab 2On Campus
1162121RTH212 medical gases 2ConcurrentBlended
1162161RTH216 health assessment 2Blended
1162111RTH211 physiology and anatomy of the heart and respiratory system 2Prerequisite / StudyBlended
1162171RTH217 basics and physics of respiratory therapy 2On Campus
1161121RTH112 introduction to respiratory therapy 2Prerequisite / StudyBlended
1162182RTH218 health assessment-lab 2On Campus
1162161RTH216 health assessment 2ConcurrentBlended
1162191RTH219 basics and physics of respiratory therapy- lab 2On Campus
1162171RTH217 basics and physics of respiratory therapy 2ConcurrentOn Campus
1162241RTH224 cardiovascular pharmacology 3On Campus
1162161RTH216 health assessment 2Pre./Con.Blended
1162420RTH242 clinical training 1 3On Campus
1162121RTH212 medical gases 2ConcurrentBlended
1162171RTH217 basics and physics of respiratory therapy 2Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1163030RTH303 research in respiratory therapy 3On Campus
823110HSS311PH biostatistics 2Prerequisite / StudyElectronic Course
1163220RTH322 cardiac and respiratory diseases 3On Campus
1162241RTH224 cardiovascular pharmacology 3Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1163331RTH333 respiratory care techniques 2Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1163241RTH324 measurement of cardiopulmonary functions and diagnostic tests 2On Campus
1163220RTH322 cardiac and respiratory diseases 3Pre./Con.On Campus
1163331RTH333 respiratory care techniques 2Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1163260RTH326 measurement of cardiopulmonary functions and diagnostic tests - lab 2On Campus
1163241RTH324 measurement of cardiopulmonary functions and diagnostic tests 2ConcurrentOn Campus
1163271RTH327 pulmonary radiography 2Blended
1162111RTH211 physiology and anatomy of the heart and respiratory system 2Prerequisite / StudyBlended
1163292RTH329 pulmonary radiography (lab) 2On Campus
1163271RTH327 pulmonary radiography 2ConcurrentBlended
1163331RTH333 respiratory care techniques 2On Campus
1162111RTH211 physiology and anatomy of the heart and respiratory system 2Prerequisite / StudyBlended
1163342RTH334 ventilatory support devices 2Blended
1163331RTH333 respiratory care techniques 2Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1163351RTH335 respiratory care techniques practical 2On Campus
1163331RTH333 respiratory care techniques 2ConcurrentOn Campus
1163362RTH336 ventilatory support devices - lab 2On Campus
1163342RTH334 ventilatory support devices 2ConcurrentBlended
1163410RTH341 clinical training 2 3On Campus
1162420RTH242 clinical training 1 3Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1163420RTH342 clinical training 3 3On Campus
1163410RTH341 clinical training 2 3Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1163542RTH354 emergency respiratory and cardiac care 2On Campus
1163331RTH333 respiratory care techniques 2Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1163561RTH356 emergency respiratory and cardiac care-lab 2On Campus
1163542RTH354 emergency respiratory and cardiac care 2ConcurrentOn Campus
1164210RTH421 cardiac and respiratory monitoring and special techniques 2On Campus
1163271RTH327 pulmonary radiography 2Prerequisite / StudyBlended
1163331RTH333 respiratory care techniques 2Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1164231RTH423 cardiac and respiratory monitoring and special techniques (lab) 2On Campus
1164210RTH421 cardiac and respiratory monitoring and special techniques 2ConcurrentOn Campus
1164240RTH424 cardiopulmonary critical care 3On Campus
1163542RTH354 emergency respiratory and cardiac care 2Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1164210RTH421 cardiac and respiratory monitoring and special techniques 2Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1164250RTH425 respiratory care for children and newborns 2On Campus
1163271RTH327 pulmonary radiography 2Prerequisite / StudyBlended
1164271RTH427 respiratory care for children and newborns(lab) 2On Campus
1164250RTH425 respiratory care for children and newborns 2ConcurrentOn Campus
1164291RTH429 clinical psychology 2Blended
1163220RTH322 cardiac and respiratory diseases 3Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1164370RTH437 leadership and management in respiratory care 3On Campus
1163420RTH342 clinical training 3 3Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1164291RTH429 clinical psychology 2Pre./Con.Blended
1164472RTH447 clinical training 4 5On Campus
1163420RTH342 clinical training 3 3Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1164520RTH452 pulmonary rehabilitation 2On Campus
1163220RTH322 cardiac and respiratory diseases 3Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1164210RTH421 cardiac and respiratory monitoring and special techniques 2Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus
1164680RTH468 practical training 8On Campus
1164472RTH447 clinical training 4 5Prerequisite / StudyOn Campus