Scientific Visit of Professor Suzanne Boyce to the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences
15 May 2023

​Prof. Suzanne Boyce from the University of Cincinnati/USA visited the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, accompanied by Dr. Firas Al-Fawaris, the coordinator of the visit, where she met Prof. Dr. Nihaya Al-Sheyab, Dean of the Faculty, and Dr. Muhammad Al-Yabroudi, Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, and Dr. Alaa Oteir, Vice Dean of the Faculty. Prof. Boyce delivered valuable lectures over two days about the use of clinical ultrasound devices in the process of diagnosing speech and swallowing disorders. Dr. Firas Al-Fawaris also gave a lecture on strategies for diagnosing swallowing disorders using color rays. The scientific program was attended by the professors of the department and the third and fourth year students in the Audiology and Speech program. The lectures were complemented by a field visit to the audiology and speech therapy clinics at King Abdullah University Hospital, where Prof. Boyce expressed her admiration about the student's skills and training facility capabilities.