A closing ceremony of an Aquaculture
Training course was conducted in Thursday July 13. 2017. This course was
conducted during the period between the 9th to the 13th of July. This
training was organized by the faculty of agriculture, and funded by the
Arab Organization for Agricultural Development. A total number of 37
trainees were participated in this course. The participants were
students from the Faculty of Agriculture and technicians, Ministry of
Agriculture, National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension
(NCARE) and the private sector. At the end of the course, the Dean of
the faculty of Agriculture (Prof. Kamel Zuhdi) thanked the lecturer
(Prof. Mohammad Fathi Othman) for his Scientific efforts in teaching
this course and a special thank has been given to the Arab Organization
for Agricultural Development for their financial support of such
important events and looking forward for more collaboration with the
Organization in the future.