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Currently the Faculty of Agriculture occupies large segments of the C and M wings of the Engineering Complex at JUST where most of the classrooms and teaching laboratories are located. Future plans to build new premises for the Faculty are underway.
Currently the Faculty has 15 teaching laboratories and 14 research laboratories in different departments. The Faculty has access to very good facilities for research and teaching. In addition to research laboratories, the Faculty operates and manages an on-campus orchard (13 ha), a vegetable crops field with green houses and plastic tunnels (5 ha), agronomic crops field (20 ha), an arboretum (4 ha), sheep and cows farm, pilot plant-scale dairy processing facility, and tissue culture laboratory.
The Faculty of Agriculture also has a number of off-campus research and training facilities including: the University Farm at the central Jordan Valley planted mostly with date palm and citrus trees (12 ha), and Prince Hamzah Natural Reserve (PHNR) in Jerash (40 ha).