Founded in 1996, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment offers graduate and undergraduate students the opportunity to pursue an academic degree in three areas:
Soil and IrrigationRange Management and ForestrySoil, Water, and Environment.Our graduates are highly sought for employment by the Ministry of Agriculture, the General Corporation for the Environment Protection, Ministry of Municipalities and Rural Affairs, Society for Badia Development and Desertification Control, Jordan Environment Society, Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Jordan Valley Authority, and the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature. Our graduates may also join the Faculty of Educational Institutions as well as have the opportunity to work abroad.
Our dedicated faculty members conduct high-quality research in a wide array of natural resources related topics. The faculty research focuses on issues and problems common to arid and semiarid environments.
The Department of Natural Resources and Environment provides its students with access to the following laboratories and facilities:
Soil Teaching LaboratoryIrrigation Teaching LaboratorySoil Chemistry LaboratorySoil Physics and Pedology LaboratorySoil Fertility and Irrigation LaboratoryEnvironmental Microbiology LaboratoryRange and Forestry Laboratory