This section currently includes the dairy factory, which is a miniature factory with an area of 240 square meters located in the southern side of the university, next to the central kitchen. For the manufacture of dairy products and their testing, as well as the production of various milk products to cover the needs of the Nutrition Department and part of the needs of university employees at competitive prices and high quality.
Section goals:
- Computerization of all the department's procedures in particular and the department in general.
- Obtaining the ISO 9001 / 2015 certificate
- Educating and serving the local community through individual field training or workshops.
- Utilizing a large hall attached to the division to expand the division and prepare production lines for food industries other than dairy, where a pre-study was conducted on some of them as a pressing and packaging training line.
- Establishing a chemical and microbial laboratory for the division.
- Supplying a filling line for dairy products in food plastic containers of different sizes.
- Conducting training workshops for housewives and owners of traditional dairy product projects.
- Participation in a study to treat children's reluctance to milk and milk products in cooperation with the head of the Nutrition and Food Technology Department.
Section's Activities and acheivements:
- Training students from inside the university, such as students of the Faculty of Agriculture, and students from outside the university, such as students of vocational schools from the Ministry of Education, on the various dairy industries.
- Providing all research and studies requirements for faculty members required by the division and helping them to complete them if necessary.
- Participation in agricultural exhibitions held on the university campus to familiarize the audience with the division and the quality of its products.
- Participation in the charitable breakfasts that were held at the university for orphans and children and the cultural nutritional competitions through information about the milk group and the provision of special products and ice cream to them.