The Faculty Veterinary Medicine Participates in a workshop entitled “Jordan Biorisk Management Curriculum Development - Academic Track.” During the period from 6-10/2/2022.
14 Feb 2022

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The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine participated in a workshop entitled "Jordan Biorisk Management Curriculum Development-Academic Track" (BRM). It was held within the Jordanian-American Program to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) for the training year 2022, in cooperation with the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). During the period from  6-10/2/2022.

Participants in this workshop were:-

-        Professor  Khaled Qudah.

-        Professor  AbdelSalam Talafha.

-        Dr. Myassar Alekish.

-        Dr. Rami Mukbel.

The participants in this workshop were acquainted with the principles of biological risk assessment and the spread of infectious and dangerous diseases at the level of the Kingdom and the region. At the end of the workshop. Dr.Myassar Alekish gave a presentation in which she talked about the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the responsibility it bears in the field of biosafety and bio-society being the only Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Jordan. Also, Dr.Alekish showed how the Faculty's study plan is compatible with the main topics in the field of biosafety and bio-society.

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