As part of the university, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is closely working with and for the people of the surrounding communities. Public services provided include:
- Veterinary health services: Pet animal owners and farmers bring their ill animals to the Veterinary Health Center (VHC) for diagnosis and treatment by experts in different clinical fields and using up to date clinical diagnostic and therapeutic tools with minimal charges.
- Laboratory diagnostic services: Diagnostic samples including blood, milk, urine, and tissues are brought to the Diagnostic Laboratory located in the VHC for testing with minimal charges. Results are interpreted and reported to owners with recommendations for treatment and prevention of various diseases.
- Free veterinary days: The faculty with collaboration with national veterinary drug companies, SPANA of Jordan and other partners hold open and free veterinary days in several locations in Jordan. During these days, our clinicians and students carry out free consultations, public education and treat sick animals. This is a yearly event that strengthens the university relationship with local communities.
- Paid scientific consultation: Expert staffs from the faculty carry out many consultation projects every year to the industry where new drugs are tested and tools are invented. These consultations are carried out based on a request from the industry.
- Public awareness programs: The faculty have held many seminars and public education workshops inside the university and outside in local communities. Proper care for animals, animal welfare and ethics concerning animal wellbeing are among many other topics.