Name: Hamza Ahmad Suleiman Zraiqat.
Place of birth and residence: Irbid
Specialization: English for Special Purposes, Class of 2007, University No.: 20070081114
After I successfully completed the Tawjihi, I got a seat to study English at the Jordan University of Science and Technology, which has always been a dream for me to study at and to be one of its graduates because of its knowledge in the academic level locally and globally.
I started my studies and finished the first two semesters with distinction and my GPA was very good, which qualified me to transfer to two other majors: computer information systems and genetic engineering, but I loved my major and studying the English language because of its importance in various aspects of life.
My school years were full of science, knowledge, and distinction, through which I got to know my colleagues, many of whom became lifelong friends, and we are still in contact with each other despite our different circumstances and the transfer of some to other countries to work or study. We were taught by a group of distinguished professors who were credited with refining us and providing us with the knowledge, science, and culture we need to move forward in our practical lives, and whom we have all respect and appreciation for.
I loved the students of my class as we were helpful to each other. I always had a feeling that the department building was my home, and everyone was from my extended family because of the memories, love and friendship we had.
We were united in everything, in studies, in activities and even on a personal level. The elements of laughter and riot sometimes had to be present, and I wouldn't say that we don't sometimes help pump each other.
My colleagues and I had a wonderful relationship with all our professors, and I personally loved all my professors despite their different schools, ideas and methods.
The most important event for me that affected my life and my future and made me ambitious, and a love of knowledge was that Professor Dr. Muhammad Qasim al-Hamad taught me, whom I personally consider my spiritual father. Dr. Mohamed contributed to encouraging me and sharpening my determination to be distinguished and to always think of the best.
Four years later, I graduated in 2011 with a grade of good, during which I completed the Internship program at the United States Embassy in Amman and went to the United States of America and spent six months traveling between 13 states to learn the American language and culture and spread our authentic Arab culture. Parting from my university, my department, my colleagues, and my memories were sweet and bitter, a pain that I always feel, and for days I yearn for it, and I will stay as long as I live.
Then I moved to another dream, which is to study Master's in a specialty that I love and my Bachelor studies of the English language at the University of Science and Technology who qualified me for which is International Relations and Political Science. In 2013, I moved to the United Kingdom, specifically to the city of Birmingham, where I studied International Relations and National Security, to return after that to make my way to working life because I did not had the desire to study a PhD and go into the academic field. I worked for a year after that in one of the companies of King Hussein Business Park, then I got a job offer from the US Embassy in Amman, where I am currently working in the political department, which I love despite its accuracy and sensitivity.
With all of my heart, I would like to thank my family, all my teachers, and every colleague, some of whom may be in other countries. I wish them all happiness, wellness, and success in their lives. My days with you were the most beautiful in my memory.
Yours sincerely.
Hamza Ahmed Suleiman Zraiqat
Irbid - 23/12/2021