First Forum of Deans of research in Jordanian Universities
29 Jul 2021
Jordan University of Science and Technology holds the Deans of Scientific Research Forum at Jordanian Universities

On the occasion of the celebrations of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan of the centenary of the establishment of the Jordanian state, the President of the Jordan University of Science and Technology, Prof. Saeb Khreisat, is sponsoring the Forum of Deans of Scientific Research in Jordanian Universities, which is organized by the Deanship of Scientific Research at the university on 7/29/21.

The forum aims to discuss the possibility of unifying efforts to support scientific research, enhancing partnerships between research centers and laboratories in Jordanian universities, forming national research teams from different universities, strengthening partnerships with industry, and defining national research priorities.

The President of the University of Science and Technology, Dr. Saeb Khreisat, stressed that openness for cooperation, development of scientific research and innovation, and benefiting from researchers and technology owners, can open the way for inventions that achieve research quality.

This came during the opening of the "Deans of Scientific Research in Jordanian Universities" forum, which was organized by the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University of Science and Technology today, Thursday, on the occasion of its celebrations of the centenary of the establishment of the Jordanian state, in the presence of the Director of the National Center for Research and Development, Dr. Abdullah Al-Mousa, and the representative of the Scientific Research and Innovation Support Fund in the Ministry of Education Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Basil Khader, deans of scientific research in Jordanian universities, and researchers from among the faculty members.

Dr. Khreisat said that this forum comes as an embodiment of the royal visions seeking to support scientists and enhance the role of scientific research and the directives emanating from the seventh discussion paper of His Majesty King Abdullah II. 

Dr. Khreisat stressed the possibility of unifying efforts to support scientific research, enhancing partnership between research centers and laboratories in Jordanian universities, forming national research teams from different universities, strengthening partnership with industry, and defining national research priorities.

The Dean of Scientific Research at the University of Science and Technology, Dr. Tariq Mukattash, said that this forum, which is held at the national level, is a culmination of the excellence of the University of Science and Technology research in terms of supporting and motivating scientific research, and the quality and percentages of scientific publication and martyrdom, stressing that the University of Science and Technology seeks to share its research experience with other Universities and national research centers, stressing the importance of universities joining together to elevate the country and preserve its gains and achievements.

At the end of the forum, participants recommended the importance of encouraging joint scientific research support between Jordanian universities, strengthening the partnership between universities and industry, the need to work on diversifying sources and sustaining scientific research support, the need to create a virtual network for networking between researchers from different universities and institutions, and the need to identify priority national research priorities.