Speakers From
Professor.Michael Morgan
Professor of Neurosurgery at Macquarie University Sydney.
Vice President of Macquarie University.
Director of Health and Medical Development in Australia.
Professor Morgan trained in Sydney and Mayo Clinic.
He was appointed the first full Professor in Neurosurgery at the University of Sydney in 1998,
Dean of Medicine at Macquarie University in 2006.
Prof. Morgan has a strong academic commitment to medical education and curriculum development. He has served on the Board of Neurosurgery for the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia and Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), is currently an examiner in neurosurgery for the RACS and was appointed Inaugural Dean of Medicine at the Australian School of Advanced Medicine at Macquarie University for the purpose of establishing medical research and postgraduate education in surgery. The medical school is entirely postgraduate with a current enrollment of 60 PhD students and 4 Masters students (in neurosurgery).
He has operated on more than 700 brain and spine arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and more than 2,000 aneurysms. He guided the Macquarie University in the establishment of the first University owned and run Hospital in Australia. He is internationally recognized for leadership in the field of AVM management.
He was elected to the American Academy of Neurological Surgery in 1999 and has an Honorary PhD in Neurosurgery awarded by University Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University of Malaysia), the first PhD to a non-Malaysian in the field of Medicine.
He undertook post-fellowship training in neurovascular surgery at the Mayo Clinic from 1986 to 1989, including clinical and laboratory research work. His laboratory research in AVMs commenced at the University of Sydney in 1985 and continued through a Fellowship at the Mayo Clinic under the mentorship of Dr. Sundt Jr, who was a leading neurovascular surgeon and researcher. This work focused on the effects of AVMs on cerebral blood flow and cerebral ischaemia and led to his receiving a MD. Prof. Morgan’s research since this time has incorporated animal research, with an arteriovenous fistula model looking at various aspects of the physiology including hippocampal brain slice preparations for studies of the effects of chronic hypoperfusion, as well as other aspects related to cerebral blood flow and learning. More recently, the collaborative program with Professor Marcus Stoodley has focused on AVM molecular biology and ultrastructure.
Management of neurovascular conditions has been his focus, and his practice is now exclusively neurovascular. The prospectively collected databases on aneurysms and AVMs are the largest such databases in Australia, with over 2000 aneurysm patients and more than 900 patients with AVMs. Prof. Morgan has supervised 9 postgraduate research students and has had 4 students complete PhDs under his supervision. He has also supervised many neurosurgeons in subspecialty neurovascular training fellowships (including fellows from the USA, UK, Norway, Finland, Malaysia, Jordan and Kenya).
Dr. John Christie
MD. RACS in neurosurgery
Consultant Neurosurgeon
John hunter hospital / Newcastle. NSW
Head department of neurosurgery
University of Newcastle
Professor.Charles Teo
1994-1997 : Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA
1994-1997 : Vice-Chief of Paediatric Neurosurgery Arkansas Children’s Hospital
1994-1995 : Acting-Chief of Neurosurgery John McClellan VA Hospital, Little Rock, AR, USA
1995-1999 : Consultant Staff, John McClellan VA Hospital, St. Vincent’s Infirmary, Baptists Medical Center
1995-1999 : Director, Movement Disorder Clinic, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
1995-1999 : Director, Arkansas Paediatric Neuro-Oncology Clinic, Arkansas Children’s Hospital
1996-1999 : Director, Center for Minimally Invasive Techniques in Neurosurgery University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
1998-1999 : Associate Professor of Neurosurgery University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
1998-1999 : Chief of Paediatric Neurosurgery Arkansas Children’s Hospital
1998-1999 : Director, Fellowship Program for Pediatric Neurosurgery Arkansas Children's Hospital
2000-2001 : Staff Paediatric Neurosurgeon Sydney Children's Hospital
2002-2006 : VMO Sydney Children's Hospital
2002-2010 : Senior Lecturer University of New South Wales
2006- Present : HMO Sydney Children’s Hospital
1999-2012 : VMO Prince of Wales Hospital
2000-present : Director Centre for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery Prince of Wales Private Hospital
2011-present : Conjoint Associate Professor University of New South Wales
2013-present : HMO Prince of Wales Hospital
Dr. Darweesh Al Khawaja
MD from Damascus University
Higher specialization degree in neurosurgery and Jordanian medical council in neurosurgery. Jordan
RACS in Neurosurgery
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Spine fellowship at ST Vincent hospital,
Scholarship of endoscopic skull base surgery at Pittsburgh medical Center, Pensylvania.
Consultant neurosurgeon at Nepean hospital, Sydney Australia.
Dr. Elizabeth Ritson.
MD. RACPM, preventive medicine
![C:\Documents and Settings\acer2013\Desktop\Elizabeth Ritson photo[1].jpg](/Conferences/nsc/PublishingImages/اليزابيث.jpg)
University of Sydney’s medical school, 1980. NSW
Professor Michael Morgan’s assistant
Contributed to many researches and publications in Neurosurgery with Professor Michael Morgan.
Dr.Yashar S.Kalani
1996-1998 : International baccalaureate Diploma, Mission Viejo, CA
1998-2002 : B.S. Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
1998-2002 : M.S.Organic Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, CA (Advisor:K.N.Houk)
2002-2003 : M.S. Chemistry: Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena,CA, (Advisor: William A.Goddard,III).
2003-2004 : Ph.D. Chemistry: Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena,CA, (Advisor: William A.Goddard,III).
2004-2008 : M.D. (specialization in Molecular Basis of Medicine); HHMI/Institute of Stem Cell
Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA (Advisors: Roeland Nusse & Irving L. Weissman).
2009-2010 : Intern, Neurological surgery, Division of Neurological Surgery, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, AZ (Chair: Robert F. Spetzler).
2010-2013 : Resident, Neurological surgery, Division of Neurological Surgery, Barrow
Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ (Chair: Robert F. Spetzler).
Speakers from Germany
Professor. Peter Horn
1988 –1990 : Bachelor degree: Medical Biophysics, II. Moscow Medical Institute
1990 –1992 : Human Medicine course , Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
1992 –1993 : Neuropsychophysiology research course, Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School London
1996 : Medical school graduation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
1996 –2003 Residency, Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of clinical Medicine Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, chair: Prof. Dr. P. Schmiedek
10-11/ 2002 : Short term residency in Pediatric Neurosurgery Department of Neurosurgery University Würzburg, chair: Prof. Dr. K. Roosen
10-11/2000 :Short term residency in Pediatric Neurosurgery „L´Hopital Necker Enfantes Malades“, Paris, France, chair: Prof. Dr. A. Pierre – Kahn
2004 –2005 : Consultant Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of clinical Medicine Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, chair: Prof. Dr. P. Schmiedek
2005 –2007 : Consultant Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Hamburg – Eppendorf, chair: Prof. Dr. M. Westphal
2007-201 : Senior Consultant, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery,Department of Neurosurgery, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin,Campus Virchow-Klinikum ,chair: Prof. Dr. P. Vajkoczy
11/2012 : Head of Department of Neurosurgery, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, HSK Wiesbaden
Professor Jaochim Oertel
1989 – 1996 : Student at Hannover Medical School
1996 : Graduation at the Hannover Medical School
1996 –1997 : Internship, Department of Neurology, Klinikum Großhadern, Ludwig-
Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
1997 –1998 : Internship and since 1998 Residency, Department of Neurosurgery, Hannover
Medical School, Hannover, Germany
1998 –2003 : Resident, Department of Neurosurgery, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University, Greifswald,
2003 : Board Examination and Certification as Neurosurgeon
2003 –2003 : Fellowship, Department of Neurosurgery, Hannover Nordstadt Hospital
2004 : Consultant Neurosurgeon, Department of Neurosurgery, Hannover Nordstadt Hospital
2004 –2005 : Consultant Neurosurgeon, Klinikum Uelzen, Germany (one day per week, more than 200 surgical procedures)
2/2005 : Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Hannover Medical School
2006 – 2008 : Vice Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, Hannover Nordstadt Hospital, Germany
2008 – 2010 : Vice Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz,
2009 : Acting Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, Johannes Gutenberg University,
Mainz, Germany
9/2009 : Appointment as extraordinary Professor of Neurosurgery at the Medical School
Hannover, Germany
11/2010 : Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Saarland, Homburg / Saar, Germany
Homburg-Saar February 2014
12/2010 : Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Saarland, Homburg / Saar,
Dr. Tareq M.A Kanaan
German Board in Neurosurgery
Jordanian Board in Neurosurgery
German Fellowship in endoscopic transphenoidal Surgery
German fellowship in Spine Surgery
Member of the German Ass. of Neurosurgeons DGNC
current position 1.1.2012-Now:
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Endoscopic and Spine
HSK Hospital and Klinik-Wiesbaden,Germany
Previous Post December 2009-December 2011:
Specialist Neurosurgeon
Fellow of endoscopic and Spine Surgery
Mainz University Hospital
Dr. Ali Ayyad
Medical diploma (M.D.) from Faculty of Medicine at Albert Szent Györgyi
Medical university in Szeged-Hungary Sept.1994
Certificate of the German board in Neurosurgery Jan. 2007.
Certificate of the Jordanian board in Neurosurgery Sept. 2012.
Clinical Experience
Internship in the Islamic hospital in Amman-Jordan
From 6th.Oct.1994 till 15th.Oct.1995.
Resident in the department of general surgery at the Islamic hospital.
Amman-Jordan, from 4th.nov.1995 till 9th.Oct.1998.
Resident in the department of neurosurgery at Jordan hospital
Amman-Jordan, from 15th.Oct.1998 till 1st.feb.2005.
Resident in the department of Neurosurgery at Vienna University
Vienna-Austria, from 12th.Feb.2001 till 28th.Feb.2003.
Resident in the department of Neurosurgery at Johannes Gutenberg University
Mainz-Germany, from 1st.May.2003 till June.2006.
Specialist Neurosurgeon in the department of Neurosurgery at Johannes Gutenberg University from July.2006 till Oct .2008.
Consultant Neurosurgeon and associated Professor in the department of Neurosurgery at Johannes Gutenberg University from Oct..2006 till now
Director of Neuroendocrine unit from April.2008 till June.2011
Director of the skull base unit from April.2008 till now.
Director of the cerebrovascular unit from Dec.2010 till now.
Second vice of the department acting chairman from Dec.2009 till June. 2012.
Dr. Philippe Dodier

2009 – 2010 :Residency in Neurosurgery Mainz, Germany Johannes Guttenberg University, Department of neurosurgery Chair: Prof. W. Wagner, MD
2010 – 2011 :Residency in Neurosurgery Homburg, Germany Johannes Guttenberg University, Department of neurosurgery
Chair: Prof. J. Oertel, MD
2012 – 2013 : Residency in Neurosurgery Saint Poelten, Austria Hospital Saint Poelten, Department of neurosurgery Chair: Prof. K. Ungersboeck, MD
2013 – 2014 : Residency in Neurosurgery, Fellow in vascular end endovascular neurosurgery Vienna, Austria Medical University Vienna, Department of neurosurgeryChair: Prof. E. Knosp, MD
Dr. Anas Bashtawi
MBBS, JMC in neurosurgery
Consultant neurosurgery, King Hussein Medical Centre, Amman-Jordan
Speakers from Jordan
Professor. Walid S. Maani
Professor and Chairman of Neurosurgery
Jordan University Medical school and Hospital
Ex Minister of Higher Education.
Ex Minister of Education.
Ex Minister of Health
Ex President of University of Jordan
Ex senator/member of the Jordanian Senate
Professor.Ibrahim Sbeih
MBCHB: MD., Alexandria – Egypt/ FRCS: Fellow Royal College of Surgeons, Glasgow, U.K.
FRCS (SN): Fellow Royal College of Surgeons, Surgical Neurology, Edinburgh, U.K.
· Chair Audit Committee World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies.
· Past Second Vice President of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS).
· Member of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Society Various Committees
· Skull Base, Education, International Initiative and Fund Raising
· Member of the following Neurological Surgery Societies
· CNS.
· EANS (European Association of N. Surgery).
· AANS (Asian-Australasian Neurological Surgery).
· WFNS-Skull Base Society.
· North American Skull Base Society.
· ACNS (Asian Congress of Neurological Surgery).
· SBNS (Society of British Neurological Surgery).
· ISPS (international Society Pituitary Surgery).
· Stereotactic Radiosurgery.
· Bulgarian, Japanese, South Cone (Honorary).
· GMC: General Medical Council U.K
· Member World Academy of Neurosurgery.
· Editorial Board and advisory board of the following Journals:
· Surgical Neurology International, Neurosurgery, World Neurosurgery, Asian Neurosurgery,
· Pan Arab Neurosurgery, Royal Medical Services/Jordan and Jordan Medical Council Journal
· Past President of the Jordanian Neuroscience Society and the Pan Arab Neurosurgical Society.
· Past member of Staff/Faculty of Medicine, (Assistant Prof., Associate Prof. and Visiting Prof.) in Jordan University and University Of Science and Technology
· Organized 19 conferences and workshops in Jordan, Middle East and the world.
· Delivered more than 290 lectures as invited speaker in neurosurgical meetings around the world.
· Published more than 32 papers in major neurosurgical journals.
· Special Interest: Skull base tumors, brain tumors, spinal cord tumors.
· Instructor in many cadaveric courses around the world
Dr.Mohammad Samaha
Past President of the Jordanian Society of Neurological Surgeons
Consultant Neurosurgeon and functional neurosurgeon
Director of the Gamma Knife and Stereotactic Center ,Ibn Al-Haytham Hospital .
1979: MD the University of Jordan
1984: Jordanian Medical Council in General Surgery
1988: FRCS in neurosurgery /UK
1991: Jordanian Medical Council in Neurosurgery
1996: American fellowship in stereotactic neurosurgery and functional neurosurgery
Dr. Nidal Hayel Khasawneh
Qualificatios : Jordanian Board in Neurosurgery. Jordan.
Intercollegiate exam in neurosurgery. London / U.K.
Fellowship of the Royal Collage of Surgeons/Neurosurgery/ London/U.K.
Jordanian Board in General surgery. Jordan.
Medical degree M.B., B.S. Jordan University.
Current Position : Consultant paediatric neurosurgeon at King Hussein Medical Centre.
Special interest in brain neuroendoscopy.
Current Activities : Head of scientific section in the Jordanian neurosurgeon
Society for the last two elections.
Member of the ISPN (International Society of Paediatric Neurosurgery)
Editor Journal of Hydrocephalus
Editor Journal of Neuroendoscopy
Teaching Medical students, Muatah and Al-Hashemieh
Medical School students
Dr. Nasri J Sami Khoury
MB, ChB,
Consultant neurosurgeon
Director General Palestine Hospital
Ex Lecturer at faculty of Medicine/ The University of Jordan
Dr. Abdullah Al-Akayleh
JBS, JMC in neurosurgery
Fellowship in base skull surgery at INI (international neuroscience institute), Hannover-Gemany by Majidi Samii
Consultant neurosurgeon,King Hussein Medical Center, Amman-Jordan
Dr. Asem Mansour
Chief Executive Officer/Director General, King Hussein Cancer Center
Dr. Mansour joined KHCC in 1998 as the Chairman of the Department of Diagnostic Radiology. In 2006 and in addition to his role as the Chairman of Department of Diagnostic Radiology; Dr. Mansour was also appointed as the Deputy Director General at King Hussein Cancer Center, followed by his appointment as a CEO/ Director General in April, 2012.
He carries the Jordanian Board in Radiology, the fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologist (FRCR-London), the European fellowship in Neuroradiology (ECNR) and master degree of medical management (MMM) from Carnegie Mellon University,USA.
He has published many articles in international journal and he is renowned expert in oncologic and neuroimaging.
Dr. Abdulrahman AL-Shudifat
Head Department of neurosurgery, University of Jordan
Assistant Professor of neurosurgery, Neurosurgery Department, University of Jordan
Sweden fellowship in neurosurgery
Dr. Maysa Al-Hussaini
Consultant Histopathologist/ Neuropathologist
King Hussein Cancer Center
Chair, Institutional Review Board
Dr.Ziad M. Alzoubi
Consultant Spinal and Orthopaedic Surgeon
President, International Association of Neurorestoratology IANR
Honorary President, Pan Arab Spine Society PASS
EX. Chairman, World Spine Fellowship.
A.Prof. Ziad Audat
Associate Professor of Orthopedic & Spine Surgery
Orthopedic Department, KAUH
Faculty of Medicine
Qualifications: Fellowship of Spinal Surgery/ Klinikum Karlsbad-Langensteinbach/ Heidelberg University/ Germany 07/02/2001-23/11/2003.
Jordanian Board of Orthopedics / Jordan 1997.
Certificate of Higher Specialty of Orthopedics /Jordan University/Jordan 1997.
Bachelor of Medicine / Aleppo University/Syria 1988.
Consultant spine surgeon department of Orthopedics at King Abdullah University Hospital
Associate Professor of Orthopedics & Spine Surgery at Jordan University of Science & Technology.
Ex-Head department of Orthopedics at King Abdullah University Hospital
Jordanian medical association..
Jordanian orthopedic association
Jordanian spinal association.
AO Spine.
IGASS (International Group for Advance Spine Surgery).
Member of Scientific Committee & Examiner of Orthopedic Jordanian board 20/01/2010 till now.
Member of Orthopedic Committee / the Arab Board of Medical Specializations since January 2010 till now.
A.Prof. Mohammad Barbarawi
Chairman, Department of Neuroscience
Head, division of neurosurgery
Associate Professor
Faculty of Medicine/ Jordan University of Science and Technology
Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spine Surgeon
Director, Residency training programme
Member of the neurosurgery scientific committee
Lecturer at the undergraduates, post graduates and continuing medical education in the medical practice. JUST
King Abdullah University Hospital
Irbid- Jordan
Australian Medical Council Advanced standing certificate. ASC. Australia
Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada. LMCC. No: 119020, Canada.
Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam II. MCCQEII, Canada.
Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam I. MCCQE I, Canada
Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Exam. MCCEE, Canada.
Clinical Fellowship in Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery, Sydney Aneurysm And AVM Neurosurgical Centre, Northern Clinical School of the University of Sydney. Australia.
Clinical Fellowship in Neurosurgery, Royal North Shore Hospital, Northern Clinical School of the University of Sydney, Australia.
Clinical Fellowship in Neurosurgery, John Hunter Hospital Faculty of Medicine, Newcastle University, Australia.
CHSM. Higher Specialisation Degree in Neurosurgery, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Jordan. No: 278, Jordan.
Jordanian medical council in Neurosurgery. No: 2469, Jordan.
2012. Certificate of appreciation and medical souvenir.faculty of medicine. JUST/ Jordan
2012. Certificate of appreciation and achievement reward. Sirt university/Libya
2011. Certificate of appreciation and achievement reward. Ha’il University/Saudi Arabia
2009. Certificate of appreciation and medical souvenir.faculty of medicine. JUST/ Jordan
2005. Certificate of appreciation and medical souvenir. Moa’ta University/ Jordan