- LANGUAGES: the official languages of the conference are Arabic, and English.
- Abstracts may be submitted by email to the following address: asec2018@just.edu.jo
- Abstract of 300 to 400 words.
- Key words 06 maximum
- Text with Times New Roman in 12 point.
- Title with Times New Roman in 14 point bold.
- Authors with Times New Roman in 12 point.
- Affiliation and Address of all authors and contact details of the corresponding author should be included.
Please Return Registration Form to:
Prof. Mohamed A. H. Abdel Halim,
Civil Engineering Dept., Jordan Univ. of Sc. & Tech., Po Box 3030, Irbid, 22110, Jordan.
Fax: +962 2 7201000
Email: asec2018@just.edu.jo