The fourteenth Arab Structural Engineering Conference (14th ASEC) is to be held on April 12-15, 2018, as a continuation to the previous successful thirteen ones beginning with the first one in Egypt, 1985 passing respectively in Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Syria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Libya and finishing with the thirteenth one in Algeria on 2015.
The Conference will continue to address issues involving advanced types and new trends of materials and structures. Contributions will highlight the latest developments in design and optimisation, within these areas. The main objectives of the conference are:
- Strengthening collaboration among universities, research centers and construction sectors in the Arab world.
- Exchanging and sharing professional skills among researchers and engineers in the Arab world,
- Addressing some of the industry challenges (housing, environmental issues, sustainability)
- Providing an international forum for information dissemination and discussions on research and practice related to construction industry.
- Forum exchange with the Arab scientists established in developed countries.
In addition to the conference sessions, an exhibition is to be held for new materials, new products and advanced equipment used in the construction industry.