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Center of Excellence for Innovative Projects
Center of Excellence for Innovative Projects
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Innovation Groups
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General Objectives:
Creating a creative and competitive atmosphere among university students and overcoming obstacles to creativity to discover students' talents, motivate them and invest them in accordance with Article 4-a and 4-b of the instructions of the Center of Excellence for Innovative Projects.
Increasing opportunities for engineering and other field training for participating students from the College of Computer and Information Technology and the College of Engineering in particular.
Raising the level of awareness and knowledge of college students about the importance of extracurricular activities related to information technology and engineering and its importance in refining their talents and motivating them mentally and its role in providing them with greater opportunities to compete in the labor market in line with Article 4a of the instructions of Center of Excellence for Innovative Projects
Introducing college students to national and regional competitions related to computer, information, and engineering technology, motivating them to participate in such a kind of activities, training and preparing them for competition, and sponsoring those participations in accordance with Article 16-g of the Excellence Center for Creative Projects instructions.
Transfer and exchange of knowledge, experiences, and basic and creative skills among the different levels of students, which ensures the continuity of participation in accordance with Article 4-c of the Center of Excellence for Creative Projects instructions.
Investing the accumulated experiences of students and affiliates in this project to find special products for the center in line with Article 4-b of the Center of Excellence for Creative Projects instructions.
The Center of Excellence for Creative Projects becomes a reference for consultations, expertise, and training for local institutions and bodies in the fields of the Internet of Things, robots, programming, and other fields included in this project in accordance with Article 4-h of the instructions of Center of Excellence for Innovative Projects
Providing a financial income for the center through the establishment of training programs or advisory services related to the proposed innovative groups that are paid for.
Participation to win local, national, and regional competitions related to each innovative group in accordance with Article 16-f of the Center of Excellence for Creative Projects instructions.
Communicate with the local community of the private sector to develop talents, exchange experiences, and market the center and the incubated companies in accordance with Article 16-d and 4e of the instructions of the Center of Excellence for Innovative Projects.
General outputs
Students who are technically qualified to work, train and transfer experience in the field of each innovative group.
Students who can make a prototype for a product or project idea that can be implemented.
Students can compete in competitions for each innovative group.
An integrated set of expertise in the fields capable of supporting and developing any of the Center's projects when needed.
Financial income for the center through paid training or incubated companies through these innovative groups.
Execution Mechanism
Announcing through social networking sites about the Initiative and its objectives and inviting university students, especially the faculties of engineering and information technology, to join it.
Inviting students with experience in each field or those nominated by faculty members in the two colleges to give training courses to their colleagues who will join the project according to each field.
Hold an annual introductory lecture on the objectives and activities of the project for each field, competitions, and related activities for each of them.
Creating a membership form and database for the affiliated members of the students in each innovation group.
Holding advanced periodic workshops for each field of the project through companies or members of the teaching and administrative staff during the training period.
General needs
Providing an independent work environment that is constantly available inside the center's training laboratory through electronic portals that work on the fingerprint or on the student member's card.
Motivating and facilitating student participation as much as possible through:
Work on issuing instructions equivalency to participate in the club's activities as a coach or a trainee for certain hours as a training material that is calculated for the student within his academic subjects.
Finding financial rewards for trainers and trainees through student employment instructions, reward system, or at the expense of scientific research or projects.
Issuing certificates for the participating students for each training course of the group, whether as a trainer or a trainee.
Implementation of graduation projects through each innovative group.
Work to issue instructions from the center and the university to organize and manage the work of each innovative group.
Group Fields
Digital Fabrication Group (IoT and Android)
Innovative Programming Group.
Innovative Cyber Security Group.
Innovative drone group
Innovative Renewable Energy Group.
Innovative virtual and augmented reality group (VR/AR).