The organizers of ADDOPTML2024, OPTARCH2024, and OPT-ii2024 aim to generate a highly interesting and attractive program for the conference covering wide areas of engineering research, stimulate scientific interchange, identify new topics, and help to develop new concepts. With your help, we will be able to organize a highly attractive conference that will give the participants an opportunity to present and discuss their new research in optimization.
Researchers interested in joining ADDOPTML2024, OPTARCH2024, and OPT-ii2024 are invited to send proposals for mini‐symposia to:
The proposal has to include the following information:
1. Mini‐symposium title
2. Symposium organizer/chair (name, affiliation, contact details)
3. Abstract (description of the topic of the symposium and how it relates to the conference focus –up to 1000 characters)
4. At least 5 speakers per each mini-symposium (names, tentative titles of the talks, affiliations, contact info, agreement to speak)
Accepted Mini-Symposium:
By clicking on each Mini-symposium number, you can see a short description of it.